
Why is letting go of Self so difficult?

by Guest57129  |  earlier

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Why is letting go of Self so difficult?




  1. because you've been holding on to it for so long.

  2. It is human nature to please ourselves

  3. Prior routines are hard to break but we eventually change according to our needs or wants.

  4. once ur so attatched u cant let go

  5. Because it goes against our nature.  Even the great apostle Paul said something to the effect of: The things that he wants to do, he doesn't do them because his Self poses such an obstacle.  That is why it is critical that we stay in God's presence and feed ourselves with his word.  This is how we let go of Self and Flesh.

  6. Because we are on this earth to learn faith.

  7. Because we are born to be selfish.

  8. One does  not want to continue further and decides to letting go of self

  9. We are addicted to it.

    No addiction is impossible to break.

    It just has to be worth the pain.

    The self is the wall between you and reality, the self-concept you have that separates you from all other things.

    That self-may be very large (patriot), or very small (a small part of your consciousness).

    However, you cannot be happy to the extent that you have a self-concept.

    You cannot love to the extent that you prefer being superior.


  10. Great question.

    Because people generally don't *want* to let go of it.  They have too much invested in their conception of the "self."  To let go sounds simple, but it is frightening -- like looking down into an abyss.

    It's like cordless bungee jumping, in a sense.

    Also, from a technical sense, most people aren't aware of the situation to begin with. They don't realize even the possibility or desirability of letting go. They just live on with conditional assumptions, never realizing the possibilities available to them.

    Even once they gain some minor awareness -- that there is more to life than the conditioned "self" as given -- it is very difficult to go about taking the next step, let alone the leap into the abyss.

  11. i think it is because we are frightened that we will cease to exist.  We put so much energy into maintaining the person who thinks, has likes and dislikes, ideas and concepts, personality and preferences.  We sometimes come so near to what seems an edge, but the trouble is we cannot cross the barrier and take any part of us that isn't real or isn't authentic, but those very parts are what we mistakenly believe to be ourselves.  So, we stand paralysed with fear, even though we know that we are much more than our story and roles - and in our hearts we know it, we tend to take choices or what seem to be choices based on our heads.    But there is no reason to be frightened, the real in us just "is" whether we believe it or not, and letting go immediately opens us up to Life and Love because we will have removed the filters that we choose to experience existence through.  In truth it is far more difficult to not let go of Self - we just don't know it and not courageous enough to risk oblivion.

  12. Conditioning is maybe a better word because our "self" is Divine and eternal. I suppose the hardest thing is deciding what needs to go and what we truly are, after years of believing we are something we are not it takes awhile to let that old conditioning dissolve, some paths are faster than others but we should choose the path that feels *right* for us, not what the masses are following but what we feel drawn to. Thank you for this question.

  13. Who are they that will show us? Life two and four millennia ago differed markedly from today. Then, the veil was thinner and Soul on earth was much more nimble amid the Fabric as it then persisted. Ours today is a whole other realm; we are so much in the head, so much in the mental state, we are the champions of the new-world technologies -- that of the outer world; and none is there it would appear that undertakes to reach out and show others the ways through their darker sides, which journey would make the exploits of industry and modernity, and those events of millennia of the past, go down as child's play. The avatar or saint of yesteryear would be but a struggling student when compared with today's condition. And so we must be about something greater today. A new universality has to be brought to bear. Ay, the Universes are "Looking for a few good men" as the slogan goes in the Marine Corps. You, each of you, may well become the avatars and saints and masters, the like of which today we still dote on when beholding their times and legacies and stories.

    But today is much more powerful, much greater.

    Soul today needs direction, needs apprising on how to carry amid this...this rugged go that is life and living today; needs meaning given through tangible, palpable, and practical means of what letting go entails. There must be sufficient numbers to serve as vortices that align with the Archangelic Host and their Orders and minions, and mighty Facilitators from On High who walk the earth in disguises now --quietly do they go, in the cities and communities, all of which these brethren and allies now gather upon the earth more than ever and is nothing to be trifled or merely pondered as to the veracity of what ensues even as we speak and on our behalves. These beings have stopped many a catastrophe both natural and human-derived on the earth today, and which did not before ever come to bear upon humankind as do these things occur today, for life in the millennia before now was so very remove of what we see and experience and now precisely cause with increasing intensity and at rapid rates.

    And so letting go is a tricky thing, a daunting thing for many a soul and justifiably so, and thus do we require those who are now willing to step out and match blueprint with concrete and shovel. Letting go therefore entails not a perspective alone as much as touching, doing as well as hearing and feeling.

    We set-to and are willing to show a person how to, say, solve a mathematical equation and matriculate into the best schools, and often this if for only the right coin be paid -- but find it peculiar that we should show a soul an essential, how to cook a good meal, how to walk a mile, literally -- walk. Or how to smile; this, by taking that One into those conditions in which the events prompt the smile to happen from within naturally wherein nothing is a mere ado with retailing affecting stories-- ah, nothing merely told or given by device of perspective. Soul today needs solidity because coarseness is what this thing life has come to be: the coarse is the wavelength and frequency and signature of living today -- gnarly is it! No longer do we move or scurry or saunter about in the vapors as happened eons ago -- life requires of us today to deploy spiritual armored divisions. We today must be likened to that of the once Knights Templars and Grail Knights -- both warriors and priests. Folks have to be shown in no uncertain terms of what letting go is and means. They have to be guided -- oftentimes taken literally by hand. For a new parentage, and a new sense of parentage, if you will, has to be brought to bear. This cannot be achieved in the head or in the schools. And so we require engagers of the heavenly spark, not politicians, theoreticians, and mere prospectors.

    Quite honestly, letting go may be somewhat as sweeping as forsaking ambition to live large in material gain and settling to accord a better life for someone who needs just the essential as a human being -- such may be for an infirm child; or an aging parent. What we hold as sacrifice here in, say, the United States, is first and second nature to those who live and toil outside this country.

    I say 'letting go' is and must be and become a native thing, not an affecting attempt.

  14. Change is not easy.

  15. Do you mean the Ego???

    Bcos we are pretty much trapped within Maya. And the essential nature of our existance on earth is to sustain and seek experience through our limited individual Self. All beings and their world is manifestated for experiencing and evolving. And only the part can experience the rest of it.

    The experienced world is generated and projected by the power of Maya sakthi, which is the power of 'illusive seperateness'. What is experienced under Maya is not ultimate reality, but the experience is real. All beings are wrapped within the grip of Maya and Karma, and will eventually evolve to transcend it and merge with our devine source.

    It takes a lot of spiritual sadhana, and if ur fortunate enough you may experience short glimpses of that experience. But its hard to sustain that state indefinitely. We are vulnerable to various human emotions and other karmic and cosmic influences that may thwarft our essential divinity

    I also think that selflessness could pretty much suicide in this competitive society and lifestyle that we have currently adopted for ourselves. Unless you wish to renounce it completely.

  16. Because we are looking at what all we think we will have to lose.  We think our plans for our life is better than God's.  We're wrong, but we just can't see the way out of our thinking.  We can't see what God's plan is so we live in fear of what it might be.  We just need to learn to trust God.

  17. Because you work all your life to improve yourself. You do grow kind of attached to something you are around so much, you know.

    Because you know, deep down inside, that there is nothing after death.

    Instinct tells us to survive, like every other animal on the planet. If you are trying to "let go" of you, then you are fighting your own animalistic instincts.

    If we didn't have these instincts, we would be extinct. Fight or flight, helps you survive.

  18. It's kind of attached.

  19. Habit, conditioning, programming, ignorance, sleep...

    i am Sirius

  20. The false self we have built out of the sensory experiences of the outer world alone(without combining with the inner world experience) and getting totally identified with it makes it difficult to cast of and be in our true self!.

  21. Self Pity and Self Denial are two major factors every human loves to be in by all means. So came the concept of God and so came the power management called Religion.

    Such deep rooted factors make us fanatic enough to never let things go off Self. The moment we seize to pity ourselves and denial too, we will come out of our shell.

    Difficult though but not Impossible, for sure.



  22. We call it maya. The self is trapped in this body which it considers as a jail. Then it gets used to it.The body is like a container which is dunked in the ocean of super consciousness. The part which is inside considers itself as contained in it but what would happen if the container breaks.Everything would become one again.This knowledge is not common as the body would not allow the self to experience the super consciousness. So the knowledgeable would understand this!This is esoteric ken!

  23. Gots Claws.  

  24. we are the prisoner of our self and mind is our warden....self negotiating thoughts and belief binds us with chain of miseries.... do not seek a answers in words,seek a wordless awareness.

  25. It's Called temptation. Everything's not free

  26. Why do you have to let go of the Self?

    Self-denial never helps anyone find their Greater Self, which can only be routed through its core! And, when the Greater Self appears, the smaller Self dissolves in it automatically.

    Easy does it!

    The drop is already in the Ocean, can you find the Ocean, by denying the drop, to begin with?

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