
Why is life being raped by commercialization?

by  |  earlier

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I really feel just about everything in life is commercialized and or about money, its getting ridiculous, from sports to movies to tv even music I mean everything is so commercialized dude its killing me.

Any thoughts?




  1. for once i do not want to see any advertisement about any fast food or any food.

    have you ever notice, how many different food advertisement they show right at those time that you are not suppose to eat.

    one day if i have time i will sit and count how many times they advertise

    about food.

    it is outrages and i am talking about only one item.

  2. Because you let it be.  Don't buy their sh*t.

  3. yes i agree

    it seems like everything today is only about money.

    i remember when sports figures were in it for the fans, the team, and for the sport. today it's all about money.

    a sports figure can be a hero to his home fans but will drop them like a hot potato if another team is willing to pay him more.

    muhammed ali ruined sports when he started demanding obscene amounts of money per fight.

    music is the same. what sells comes before what's good.

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