
Why is life seen as so great and that it's a gift?

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One time i was talking to my friend about my problems and he said "Well hey at least your alive." and i don't get what that's suppose to mean. Like living is SO great that you'd have to be crazy not to live. Anyone else like this?




  1. What people mean when they say that is; Instead of complaining all the time you should be thankful.

    Whenever you feel like c**p write a list of all the good things in your life and DO NOT write a list about bad or even think of it. I see a it half empty or half full? I say it's half full, how bout you? In case you didn't catch that; I think positively over negatively.

    Luv, JD☼

  2. I understand what you mean. Think about all the good things that have happened in your life though. Even the smallest things like chocolate to great things like love and family =] Without life none of this would exist. Simple as that =D

  3. Haha yes, I hear this.  How can you be grateful for something that you didn't chose or ask for?  It's like having someone throw out your new furniture, buy new stuff that you don't like that much and had no say in choosing, and then say "hey, you should be grateful that I bought you this new furniture!"  And then you are supposed to get on your knees and kiss their feet and thank them 12 times for giving you something you didn't ask for or want.

  4. I understand where you're coming from, but the alternitive to life leaves one with very limited choices.  Better to live, I say.

  5. It's a logic jump, depends a lot on everythign the person means by that but are not saying. Are they religious? Are they in love? Are they full of hope for their future? Are they full of expectations for a great weekend? Life can be great, mostly because of the possiblitites in it, but it can also be full of c**p. Living is hope, it's options, it's a possibility, whereas death is a finality, it's the end of everything we know for certain no matter what your beliefs are.  

  6. some people see life as a privilege, or a gift.. but sometimes i feel like life can be the complete opposite- h**l.. and at times i don't even see the  point of Life, if eventually we're all going to experience Death

  7. what she said means, with all your

    problems you still have one of the greatest things

    others never had a chance to have, life.

    you live to learn and you learn to teach.

    we all go through hard times and we learn

    from it. know that it can always be worse;

    you couldn't be alive, or even exist.

  8. In Buddhist tradition, being born into the human realm is very precious, because that is the only realm where you have the opportunity to eliminate previous negative karma, increase your good karma and prepare for a better rebirth.

    "Hatred never ceases hatred, but by love alone is it healed."


  9. play well with the hand your dealt.  we are alive - why not celebrate it.

  10. I'm assuming that you are on the younger sider of 40 and haven't suffered great pain and loss the way that some people have.  The more personal experience you have in hardship, disease, etc, you will find yourself more and more exhilirated to be alive and kicking.

  11. you get to live once after that your consciousness and everything you were fade into nothingness gone forever that is why life is so important  

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