I work 5 days a week. I have a car (a rather nice one). I have great room mates. I have an awesome relationship with all my family.
And yet, none of it matters. I work at a job I hate. My car needs shocks. My license expired, and I need $3,000 to pay off fines before I can get my license back, and my car on the road. I don't know how to talk to people anymore. I still feel like a stranger around my family.
I get up, and wonder why I couldn't just sleep for eternity. I can't help but think that suicide couldn't be any worse. Don't get the wrong impression. I'm not going to kill myself. But the idea does have its appeal.
What am I missing? Is it romance? Does the fact that a guy with my not-so-pleasant looks can't get a date have anything to do with it? Is it the fact that I can't seem to feel strongly about anything, anymore? What causes that? Why do all my emotions feel filtered and abstract?
Is this the normal procedure? Is it like this for everyone?
Any insights you could offer would be nice.