
Why is littering against the law? It should be my choice if I want to litter.?

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Why is littering against the law? It should be my choice if I want to litter.?




  1. thats a pretty dumb question bro...

  2. Because you should clean up after your own lazy behind! Why should I do it?! Don't be such a pig!

  3. Only wimps do it that way - I do it from the high diving tower ...

  4. I hope your kidding.

    If you want to trash your home, so be it. However, we all live on good ol' mother earth. Why would we want to step all over your trash?

  5. Littering is against the law because it totally trashes the environment around us, and (in case you haven't noticed) we all live in that environment.

    By littering you are harming the environment and all the things that live in it. So, if harming someone and/or something is against the law, then so is littering.

  6. Haven't you ever heard the song, "This land is your land, this land is my land"?  When you litter, you are not littering your property -- you are littering someone else's property, or land that belongs to everyone.  

    You can litter on property you own -- but if the litter starts causing problems for neighbors (blows onto their property, or rats start breeding in there and going over to other people's houses), then you are responsible, and you can be sued.

    It's your choice to buy or get whatever you throw away, so it's also your responsibility to dispose of it properly.  If you don't like litter laws, don't buy stuff you have to throw out.

  7. It's not just you-that's why.  If you want to live in a pigsty--go right ahead.  But other people don't particularly want to see--or put up with--your garbage.  And your "rights" end at your property line.

  8. Because tax payers like me don't want to look at your garbage everywhere.

  9. jesus. it should be our government's choice to punish those who choose wrongly.


    stop leaving your nasty dirty diapers by the river! its disgusting!

  10. you would be an eco criminal

    it is not your choice it is a comunal one

    in my town the municipality did not have enough money to clean the trash of people like you

    it is costly and labor intensive ,this money could have been better used to improve social conditions instead it gets wasted to stop rubbish from becoming a danger to all

    in Holland .you would pay imediate high fine just for dropping a candybar wrapper ,or face a jail sentance if you did not pay

    and are classified as a social criminal

    can i put you on my list as an enemy of the planet ,

    just for fun

    we are collecting names for the future;...

  11. it's not a choice because it harms others. Those kind of things usually are enacted into law. Do we have a choice to kill? Do we have a choice to steal?

    Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's [obey the laws]

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