
Why is littering bad, when it is such an easy way to keep your car clean?

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  1. Littering is not bad.  Littering was perfectly normal for millions of years.  You got tired of something-you tossed it-it went back to the environment.  What is bad is making stuff that doesn't go back to the invironment.

  2. because there is more world outside your car which is used by many others

    so it is not very nice to throw trash on their turf.

    and it has many bad effects such as blocking up water courses and causing contamination .

    No man is an Island ,even if they think they are


    i don`t think you have yet reached the level .to be here in Environment with the big people

  3. What if your neighbor dumps their garbage in your yard. Easy for them?

  4. Are you asking seriously?  I think you know the answer, even without the patient explanations other answerers have given you.  Just keep a litter bag in your car.

  5. Littering is bad because it harms the environments. Some animals can eat food from the floor which is not good. One sign said that do not feed to the pigeons because that would make them die earlier. It does a very much amount of bad things to the environment.

    1. The animals can die by eating

    2. The garbage can make cause the animals to get stuck in the garbage.

    3. The garbage will do many bad things to the animals things or stuff they need. If you throw metal into the water algea can start growing in their causing fish to die.

    Hope I answered your question good.

  6. please keep this information quiet for the sake of those of us who work in the litter bag industry.

  7. Why is littering bad?  First, if you are driving, and you dump something out, this can lead to car accidents  Second,  living on the earth,  it is our responsibilities to keep the earth clean. Third, littering damages the reputation a country. Just like people complain China for spitting and the same way, you can say it is good for health and tissue is not needed so good for environment. But the truth is not like that of course. We are adults and we know what's right and what is not.

  8. littering is not bad it keeps things from going to the landfill

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