
Why is living well is more important than living?

by  |  earlier

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i need a proper answer...




  1. ask a proper question.

  2. If we're all going to go to h**l in the end, we might as well enjoy the ride.

  3. Live is worth nothing when all you experience is pain and suffering. After a while, you start to believe that all there is to life is misery.

  4. what is "living well" 4 u?...u see it differs 4rom one person 2 another,and some ppl r content by just "living"

  5. it isnt but ppl get sick of struggling..

  6. That's being whiny.

    Ask a person from Bangladesh or an african counrty, you'll now that the priority is living.

    People should feel lucky to be able to type this, just because all you friends have computer doenst mean that everyone has even somehting to eat this week, or where to live thi month.

    Feel that you are being discriminated or someone is living better than you?

    Ask that to the slaves that there must be in africa or whatever country.

  7. Well, I put in around 100 hrs a week at work and on top of that, I am ; business owner, wife (15 yrs), mom to a spoiled 13 yr old, dog owner and a part time student taking the summer off.

    Your d**n right I am living the good life. ....I like my 2500sq ft home, my land rover and my meat,. .I work for it , I bust my rump and I make sacrifices. No one said living was easy but if you work hard it can be easier.

  8. I don't think it is.  You have to be "living" in order to live well.  First comes just being alive.

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