
Why is living with teenagers bad?

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  1. SOME teenagers are disrespectful, LAZY, self absorbed, unwilling to participate in family activities, know it all's, messy, intolerant and surly.  Why would anyone want to live with someone who behaves like that?

  2. Yeah, Who told you living with teenagers was bad??? It's all a matter of opinion and its based on the PERSON who you live with whether it be teenager, child, adult, or elder. if the person is a good person and has respect for others you could find that (or not) at any age

  3. they get very self consumed at that age and think they know everything....therefore hard to reason with.

  4. The only people who like teenagers are teenagers. No seriously, it was fun being one but they are very hard to live around. They're generally inconsiderate, loud, and disrespectful.

  5. Who said living with teenagers was bad?  I raised my two sons all through their teenage years and some of their friends practically "lived" with us and I never once thought it was bad.  In fact, those were some of our happiest and most memorable years of our lives.  Now that one is still in college and one plays semi pro football and works I wish they were still teenagers and I could still take care of them and all of their friends!!!  I miss it so!!!

    Peace & Love  :)

  6. At this stage in our lives, we're all wrapped up in our own little worlds, thus too preoccupied with ourselves to care too much about others.  Of course, there might be a rare few who are genuinely good people, but good luck finding them.

  7. Depending on who you ask, you will get a billion different answers. I don't think that living with all teenagers is bad.

    But, if you are asking based on typical teenagers, they are self absorbed and selfish. They lack the awareness to recognize the needs of other people. This makes them unpleasant to live with.

  8. Because they're obnoxious and loud?

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