
Why is marijuana's main chemical THCor Cannabinoids still illegal?

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THC Ministry, Amsterdam - Info on Cannabinoids

Dr. Robert Melamede, Ph.D.

Dr. Robert J. Melamede Ph.D. Chairman of the Biology Department of the University of Colorado:

Conducting Scientific research on Cannabinoids

Phone: 719-262-3135

University of Colorado

1420 Austin Bluffs Parkway

Room 232

PO Box 7150

Colorado Springs, CO 80933-7150

The Cannabinoid System has been around for over 600 million years. Before the Dinosaurs. The Cannabinoid System is continuously evolutioning and has been retained by all new species. Food and feeding is at the heart of the Cannabinoid System.

1. Cannabinoids are in every living animal on the planet above Hydra and Mollusks, with the exception of insects. Bodies are homeostatically maintained by the Cannabinoid System.

2. Mothers give their babies a booster shot of cannabinoids in mothers milk to give them the munchies because they have to learn to eat. (they've been fed thru the umbilical cord and did not have to know how to eat.)

3. Mice lacking the CB1 receptors don't like any changes. If they are moved to another part of the cage they act upset and when they are put back to the original spot in the cage they relax, but if then put into another part of the cage they get upset again. Comment: I wonder if people, especially drug warriors, had their CB1 receptors blocked then they would resist change and the ones of us that have unblocked CB1 receptors enjoy the benefits of cannabinoids are a lot more relaxed and not paranoid about or over change. Interesting thought. It turns out that that thought is absolutely correct. Many people' brains are not capable of a good connection to the CB1 CB2 receptors.

4. All new species utilize cannabinoids.

5. By being alive and breathing air our bodies produce "free radicals". Cannabinoids help to reverse this action.

6. Cannabinoids do kill brain cells, but the brain cells they kill are called "Glioma" or Cancer of the brain(Tumor). All other brain cells are protected and healed by cannabinoids. (Glioma cells cannot tolerate the action of cannabinoids)

7. Cannabinoids protect against sunburn and skin cancer because of the CB1 receptors in our skin.

8. Cannabinoids slow down the aging process. Mice that their brains respond to cannabinoids live longer and mice that have brains that block the CB1 receptors die younger.

9. Activity in the evolutionary advanced areas of the brain is increased in cannabinoids receptors and promotes higher consciousness levels.

10. Cannabinoids are even found in the white blood cells (CB2 receptors). The CB2 receptors are found predominantly on immunological cells and regulate the shift in the immune system to the anti-inflammatory mode.

11. Cannabinoids protect the heart against Arythmia.

12. The way it works on pain is there is specific nerves that deal with pain. They are called vanilloid-Receptors. Anandamide(sanscript word for "Blissful Amide"), the bodies internally produced marijuana binds with the nerve endings, reducing pain. Anandamides are produced internally by our bodies in response to a whole variety of conditions. As an example, Aspirin prevents the breakdown of Anandamide, the internally produced marijuana to activate & start working at easing pain. How many old lady's say they "WOULD NEVER" use marijuana & are actually using the equivalent of marijuana that their bodies produce as a natural activity, & don't even realize it. And how many politicians and citizens of the US do this also & aren't even aware they are condemning something that their bodies make naturally. Anecdotal evidence is valid because when a person smokes marijuana & it relieves their pain, then they smoke it again & it relieves their pain again it becomes a fact known only to that person, but nonetheless true.

13. In the case of most autoimmune diseases, the bodies immune cells produces free radicals & is destroying it's own body as a foreign object. Cannabis pushes the immune system into anti inflammatory mode & helps slow the progression of that disease, thereby slowing down the aging process.

14. Seizures are controlled by marijuana not only THC, but non-psychoactive cannabidiol.(CBD) The exact mechanism is not known, however HEMP is high in CBD's & can cancel out the psychoactive high of THC & at the same time benefits the user or smoker. Cannabinoids control everything in our bodies including our minds.

15. There are many other things that Cannabinoids do in the body, besides attaching to the CB1 and CB2 receptors, the main cannabinoid receptors in the higher part of our brain. Cannabinoids affect our skin and other parts of our bodies.

16. Pharmaceutical companies are working at sythesizing different cannabinoid components and different types of strains of marijuana. If they can succeed, then there will be more choices for you and I to choose from and we will be able to use what works best for our particular bodies.




  1. The war on MJ has been going on for 94 years. It started in the South West around 1914 when MJ was used as an excuse to harass Mexican migrant workers. In the 30's the first drug pig by the name of Harry J Anslinger jumped on the band wagon and used scare tactics, lies and B.S. propaganda to frighten the populous into caving in. Ever since then this idiotic and miserably failing war on MJ has been used to pander to special interest, most recently the "Amerikan Industrial Prison Komplex" and it is your money that puts ordinary people in jail for indulging in a perfectly harmless substance. Here are a few links you may want to check and learn more. Get active in the movement to end this failing war on drugs by making your voice heard and vote for those who have the brains and integrity to tell the American people the truth about MJ, rather than perpetuating the lies and fear mongering this government has become so good at.

  2. people are so effing retarded. marijuana causes suicide? are you effing kidding me fellow answerer???  lame. anyways, to answer your question, its obvious that marijuana is illegal because its too easy to grow, too hard to tax and a threat to pharmaceutical companies.

    marijuana has been used in medicine, including midwifery for centuries. while many people may think marijuana causes cancer, it actually does the opposite. has been shown to protect nervous system in MS and can actually be used to treat asthma.

    anybody who actually does a little work researching it instead of simply listening to the propaganda to demonize a miracle drug will find that its one of the least toxic substances on the planet and has very few side effects compared to some very LETHAL, dangerous, LEGAL pharmaceutical drugs that doctors prescribe every day.

    myths about marijuana abound and its nice to finally be able to find a lot of good studies and information proving almost all of them wrong.

    i found an interesting factoid yesterday that said marijuana BUDS contain 33% less tars than tobacco and anyone who smokes quality marijuana rarely smokes ANY of the leaf, which is the part comparable to tobacco.  beyond that, ingesting it through tea or cakes takes away the toxic aspect altogether and can be very beneficial for MOST people on the planet. sad they will never experience that.

    **why do people think its legal in california, medically prescribed marijuana is not legalizing marijuana. it is making it easier for people who actually need it to get it, and for some lucky users who don't need it...but you can still get busted and you can still get your pot taken away and there are still raids that go on. by no means is pot legal in california...

    when the average person can use pot in their home, legally, without risk of legal action if found or reported, then it is legal, until then it is just slightly easier to have under certain circumstances.

  3. Its not in California. :)

    However, I believe it is in most other places because hemp can replace many industries and invested parties don't want to lose their millions in investments. Not to mention the amount of money the pharmaceutical industry would be out for the medications weed can replace.  

  4. marijuana in the hands of a responsible person does not present much problem, however for teenagers it causes many traffic accidents and accidental suicides or manslaughters.

  5. These arguments have been around for decades. The bottom line is, there isn't any way to control the production so the government can tax it, like alcohol.

  6. Cannabinoids have just been shown to combat drug resistant bacteria.

    The US Govt. itself, took out a patent (#6,630,507) on the beneficial and neuroprotective qualities of cannabis. Yet sick people are being arrested and jailed for using this medicine. What will it take to wake our elected officials up, and end the prohibition on this herb?

    Cannabis users are not criminal, and recreational users should not be ashamed because we prefer cannabis to tobacco or alcohol. 20,000,000 of us use cannabis at least occasionally each year.

    We must work together. Write to our elected officials. Write letters to the editor. Write one letter a week. Make it count. If we all do this, we can change these mean spirited and irrational laws.

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