
Why is marijuana(cannibas) illegal when it can treat so many illnesses?

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It doesn't make sense!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




  1. why are any drugs illegal?  because the illuminati wants to suppress your mind.  thats the only logical reason i can come up with.  i mean using drugs is a non violent activity.  people have been using drugs of 100s of thousands of years and they arent going to stop any time soon.  we waste billions of dollars every year trying to stop something that cant be stopped.  we are making criminals rich by allowing a relatively cheap plant product be sold at ridiculously inflated black market prices.  then gangs fight over the turft to sell it and people die.  then the drugs are of unknown purity and potency so there are more overdoses. and then we are forced to give up our rights in a vain attempt to catch a few people using drugs.  it doesnt make sense.

    miss stockton- marijuana may be legal in a few states if you have medical illness but it is still illegal federally and you could still be caught and prosecuted by a federal agent even if you are dying of a disease and have a medical card.

    jerbson- if you are puking up all your medication do you really think its a good idea to take a pill?  do you think you will be able to hold it down?  thats the wonder of smoking it, and dont forget  that synthetic thc marinal only contains thc, while marijuana also contains many other canibinoids that effect the brain and body, one of the reasons why many patients prefer smoked marijuana to synthetic marinol.

    doodleb- you just said that if marijuana was legal so many people would abuse and then you went on to say about how your brother abused it... WHEN IT WAS ILLEGAL.  i hope you see the foolishness of your statement.  anyone can use marijuana whether it is illegal or not.  making something illegal does NOTHING to stop it except waste a lot of money and ruin a lot of lives. and also, there is no study proving that cannabis causes schizophrenia and i think you are lying.

  2. studies have shown an association between chronic marijuana use and increased rates of anxiety, depression, suicidal ideation, and schizophrenia.

    And haven't you ever heard of someones brain "being fried"?

    I know 3 people who smoked marijuana regularly for years and they aren't all there any more at ALL...(one of them being my brother)

    And plenty of stoner's who I went to school with were just always dumb asses who couldn't even remember their names, or anyone else's - no lie. Like the one Kid who sat next to me for 3 months and spoke to me every day and could never remember my name - all he talked about was smoking weed. Does this sound like it can "treat illnesses?"

    yeah thumbs down me, most people who want marijuana legalized cant handle the truth.

  3. It was actually misclassified as a narcotic under the Volstead Act.  That part was never repealed (alcohol was, pot wasn't), and the government started putting out propoganda like "Reefer Madness".....

    They fear what they don't understand - never mind the fact that no one ever died from it......they'd rather see us drunk than stoned.

    (No - that doesn't make sense, either...but that's our government!)

  4. Because it makes you controlled. You are a zombie who should not question things. Now shut up and watch me smoke this ......mmmmmm.............

  5. because the hippies used it&the government hated the hippies.

    so they banned the two least hurtful things they did, marijuana and lsd, just to p**s them off.

  6. Because better medications exist that marijuana to treat said illnesses.  Their is even a synthetic THC medication that can be taken orally.  

  7. it also has major side effects; this will clear it up:


  8. Because it is unregulated - so officialdom can't profit from it. Therefore it is easier to ban it.

    All prescription drugs are made under licience - with a proportion going to government coffers.

    I think it should be legalised - but be fined or imprisoned for misbehaving under the influence. As far as I know - this is still the case, so I don't see a problem.

  9. it has major side effects and it is highly addictive... when you don't have anything wrong with you it just destroys you

  10. it is legal if you have a cannibas card you have to go to a doctor though

  11. That's an excellent question.  

    Marijuana (cannabis sativa) is the number #1 recreational substance in our society. We all know this, because after all, the United States is the druggiest nation on Earth.  Clearly, Mary Jane can be harmful if abused. In my opinion, marijuana is relatively harmless if consumed responsibly and in moderation, for example, if used only on the weekends.  

    BTW, I don't smoke marijuana.

    Anyway, marijuana's illegal status is heavily influenced IMO by some strange politics and the utterly false "reefer madness" propaganda that began in the early 20th century in the United States.

    Although advocates would enjoy seeing marijuana decriminalized, I doubt this will ever happen.  Hey, you never know.  At least we have Medical Marijuana in what, 13 states now?  Correct me if I'm wrong.  



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  12. because theres to many morons who read the daily mail!

    AND the government know if everyone used cannabis, then people wouldnt put up with ****! and they wouldnt do there S****y jobs that they hate! and that would be  real bummer, cuz the country would work, because our system is built on workers blood!

  13. Because the government is evil.

  14. im not to sure what it can cure or treat, but if it was made legal, so many people would abuse it. my brother was a normal young boy with such a bright future and so much talent. he unfortunatly got into the wrong crowd and got introduced to marijuana. from then on he was a HEAVY cannibas smoker, smoking at least 20-25 joints a day. his brain does not function the same now, he has lost many skills, he has many mental conditions now such as depression, wanting to commit suicide, skizophrenic, he has no reasoning skills, doesnt care about anyon but himself. and lives in a mentally handicap home, he is only 28. this is why it isnt legal it wreck people and there lives if used wrong. and i guess there has been many studies conductd that show that the bad of this drug out-weigh the goodness that it does.

    and to who ever said it wasnt addictive, id like to see you try and make someone such as my brother get off it. it was living h**l, and the result of that is my brother now living in a mental institution!

    please don't "thumbs down" me this is a very sensitive subject to me.

  15. It doesn't treat so many illnesses it eases the symptoms of the illness you have.  It hasn't cured anything.

  16. There are a lot of reasons, most of which have been pointed out.  There's also some historical reasons for why it was initially outlawed and demonized.  Like many drugs, at the time it was a way of persecuting an unpopular minority group who frequently used it. There's also some speculation about whether making marijuana illegal was actually a way to stop the industrial use of hemp.  For background on this historical issues, you can read a great book called "The Emperor Has No Clothes."

    There's one thing I haven't heard mentioned here, which is the big obstacle for legalization in California. The DEA makes a considerable profit off the medical marijuana trade.  They shut down medical cannabis clubs and seize all assets, plants, and cash.  No need to investigate, actually arrest drug dealers, or try to stop drugs from coming into the country - the clubs advertise in the newspaper!  In order to work as a business, the locations of these clubs cannot be secret.  

    Which would you rather do?  Try to go after major-league thugs in the hardcore narcotics business, violent criminals based in other countries?  Then go out on a bust that risks your life and carries a risk of no reward?  Or just periodically look in the local alternative paper and go take someone's money who has no legal way to stop you?  

    Clubs that seriously ill people rely on to maintain quality of life get shut down, meanwhile drugs like meth and misused prescriptions like oxycontin are out of control (when was the last time the DEA took action against the makers of oxy or the doctors who overprescribe it?), production of heroin in Afghanistan has skyrocketed.  People die every day because of drugs and alcohol, but instead marijuana (can cause problems, but won't kill you) is targeted.

    I completely understand why the DEA does this.  It makes economic sense.  But it's morally disgusting and completely fails to actually solve any of the serious problems that drugs do cause in society.

    Edit: One last note. Did you know that it's legal for the DEA to create false propaganda and distribute it to the american public?  Most of the studies hawked by the DEA use flawed methodology and are performed by discredited scientists. If you look into the history of studies such as the one that started "pot kills brain cells myth," the science falls apart. Plus, it's legal for them to lie to you. You'll notice most studies posted here as justification for the evils of cannabis are US government studies. Check out the studies from other countries, where marijuana research is actually legal, if you want to know scientific truth.


    the government wont legalize it for a number of reasons.  first of all, as previously aforementioned,  the government cant regulate a weed.  anyone could grow their own medicine.  if everyone could grow their own viagra, benzine and multivitamins, pfizer wouldnt be doing too well, would they.  similarly, since its a weed, pfizer and other pharmaceutical companies cant put their name on it.  then you've got this wonderful medication which can treat all kinds of diseases (putting other medications out of business), and no pharmaceutical company can put their name on it!  what kind of panic would that cause?  

    also, the "addiction" to marijuana would finally be put to rest.  guess who that employs and gives money to...the rehab agencies!  yes, they make you beleive that its addictive, when it really isn't. they can convince you that you need help and they can convince you to GIVE THEM MONEY.  more people go into rehab for marijuana, and do you know why?  because companies are testing for marijuana, and when they catch employees, they can either go to rehab for their "addiction", or you can take punsihment.  what do you think people are going to take?  

    third of all, and this is less proven than the other theories, the government would have to come out and say that the ads have been lying to you. they would have to publicly admit that all their bullshit "above the influence" commercials and "say no to weed" commercials are f*cking lies.  they would have to say "yes, we lied to you, theres nothing wrong with marijuana, and its now legal."  how do you think that affects the governments credibility?

    also, what do you think about all these perscription meds they put on commercials, saying "it cures your high blood pressure, but side affects may include diarrhea of the mouth, severe hemmeroids, internal bleeding, brain aneurisms, stroke, heart attack, and breast cancer." the commercial would weed would say "it cures this this this this this this this and this, o and by the way, the only problem it causes is your inhaling a little bit of smoke." that would run pharmaceutical companies into the ground.  do you think they want to see legalization come around despite its positive effects?

    thats my logical and well put together answer.  

    EDIT: and to doodlebug, somebody's got to say it, but your brother is a f*cking idiot.  anything has the potential for abuse, just like pain pills, and those are legal, aren't they?  so does alcohol, and thats legal, isnt it?  your brother is f*cking stupid, and he shouldnt have been smoking 20-25 joints a day (which literally means he would never stop smoking).  its fools like him that make us look bad, giving pot smokers a bad name.  very few, if any people, would turn out like her brother, and if they do, than they deserve the mental hospital they end up in, just like alcoholics deserve the rotten liver they get stuck with.


  18. It doesn't treat makes certain side effects of the illness better..such as nausea it allows someone to eat, when they otherwise wouldnt have been able to eat..

    Granted I do not think it should be illegal, but it is..

    And it is still offered on medicinal bases so if you need it you could get it..

    And it is not highly addictive....I watch Intervention I have never seen one episode with someone with a weed addiction..

  19. The government does not know how to tax it if legalized. Just watch till the day comes. If it ever becomes legal there's going to be some new form of taxation, just wait.

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