
Why is marriage called a domestic church?

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Why is marriage called a domestic church?




  1. been part of the church for years and never had this before..what kind of church calls marriage..domestic the first place.

  2. you pay and spend the time to go, but the pay off is when your dead.

  3. I didn't know it was!

  4. Who calls it a domestic church??  

  5. it's not, someone just made it up.

      Few marriages today have anything to do with religion/church, that is all show and tell, like most women who feel who feel embarrassed to show an engagement ring that's not the "acceptable size and price" to their friends and co workers.

       As i say, a large number of ppl who throw the big expensive church weddings, have not been to church at all  for many years before and won't attend again, unless it's another marriage, baptism or funeral. Same goes for "god parents" ppl have no idea what their purpose is, nor have they attended church regularly, if at all and churches want the numbers on paper.

         Believe it or not a lot of ppl think a god parent gets them the rights to adopt, if anything should happen to the parents or the parents don't have family. If you know the real purpose of a god parent, go ahead and take a survey, you'll be shocked at the ignorence out there today.

             It's all show and tell or bragging rights, these days.

  6. The only thing that rings a bell is a Bible verse(been awhile) that basically says: Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself up for her.

    So I'm guessing that in some capacity "domestic church" corresponds to Christs love of the church & his sacrifice for it.  In other words, devotion ..from husband to wife and wife to husband. But that could just be me (never heard the reference before either).

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