
Why is massage getting so popular ??????????

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Why is massage getting so popular ??????????




  1. The basic thing that massage does is to allow people to feel themselves.  It is feelings that help us know we are alive and it is tapping into the repressed and suppressed feelings that will help us to feel even more alive.

  2. they feel good...and they aren't as expensive as they used to be

  3. if you ask, you've never had a really good one

  4. massages are good but in some ways they are over rated.....there are other less expensive ways to achieve the same effect.....

  5. We are living in very stressful times....stress is linked to many disease processes.....massage helps to relax people...also Dr are being more closely monitored for the over use of narcotic medications, massage can help relax muscles and reduce pain so less medication is needed. More people are looking at other options for medical conditions, non prescriptive measures, alternative medicine, chiropractors, massage, etc.

  6. Massages releave stress, and when you are in pain it releases  natural pain endorphins. And it help to get the toxins out of you body. just drink plenty of water after the massage!

  7. I believe it is so popular because more people are realizing that homeopathic options to health care is better than traditional medicine. I also believe in today's society people have forgotten how nice it is to be touched regularly. As others have stated it is a good way to relieve stress, get rid of toxins and just feel better.

  8. Because they feel sooooo good!!

  9. and why shouldn't it?

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