
Why is math like learning gibberish to me?

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I've realized math is my weakest subject ever! I'm about to start 11th grade and I have honors pre calculus. In the past 2 years I've barely passed in the 70's. When I see really hard problems I liteally get dizzy. I don't know, what am I like this. I try to hard, but it seems when I do it's no use. I would like to change that this year.




  1. why is math like learing gibberish??




    It's clearly not english

    i totally understand when i see a algebra problem it gives me a headache-->and im passing with low 80's going into 70's

    the stuff we learn is absouletly ridciulous!

    am i gonna go to the cash register and say 2m+12m=24?

    Heck no!

    they be teaching us stuff just for the heck of it\

    but its okay

    when i graduate school i'll be able to say i managed math! and i can do algebra, even though i really didn't need to know it in the first place


  2. i know how you feel

    math is def my hardest subject

    i'm a rising sophomore this year so what i decided to

    is go to a tutor before and after school ; so if i don't get it from one of my teachers

    then maybe another teacher may help explain it to me a little better

    also try going to your friends they can make it more easier and understanding for you

    hope this helps :)

  3. math is not easy for everyone. a good idea would be to talk to your teacher ask for an easier level of math. I'm not so good at math either but i just tell myself i love it. its relives the stress. i don't know if that will work for you though. remember to talk to your teacher

  4. Well some people are better in certain subjects rather than others.

    Take things step-by-step and don't look too far ahead. I tend to get things wrong when I try to solve parts of a problem before I' supposed to.

    If there is no other option, talk to your teacher or get a tutor.

  5. i know what you mean in grade 8 math i almost failed and that was very hard for me because i had A's in all my other subjects luckily i passed and in grade 9 i got a tutor and that helped alot.

  6. i know thats likes me lol,...........~xoxo ally*

  7. if its your weakest why are you going into have to take that class slow and really take in what the teacher is saying. that means writing down (neatly) every thing that the teacher does and actually trying to understand it. just looking at the board wont help you. you have to focus.  like you cant stop paying attention for even half a second. that's what i did and i pulled myself out of sped math for ever!

  8. I was the same way when I was taking math in high school, and only rarely did I have moments where I understood what was going on and could do well.  I remember feeling overwhelmed, exhausted, and pretty much gave up whenever it came time to taking a test.  I know you are suppoesed to break mathematical processes down into steps when learning them, but I always had trouble remembering what to do after the first one or two steps and always go this weird "stage fright' or dizziness like you described.  I would draw a complete blank on what to do next.  Then I graduated high school, never excelling in math, but getting by like you, and started working with math and calculations in my daily life - working a cash register in a fast paced setting and later playing with excel for my job (as an adult).  Personally, I think my brain just didn't develop as quickly as others when it came to math and I took a lot longer to understand concepts and such.  The more I incorporated math in my work life, without the pressure of homework and tests, the easier it became for me.  Now I do statistical analysis and reporting as part of my job and I don't really see it so much as working with math, but really just solving problems and thinking logically through them.  I don't know what to recommend to help you, but maybe tutoring would work or somehow taking the pressure off of yourself so that you can work through and understand each step more thoroughly.  Practice the same problems over and over again as well...I feel like familiarity with working with numbers was crucial in my development.  And even if I can't help with any of these suggestions, I really want to give you hope that you will develop the skills in time - it might just be that its an academic environment that is holding you back!  Good luck!

  9. me too!

  10. I understand I hate math and I honestly think it's a waste of time but ASK many questions on the first day and ask for help after school and make sure you tackle it before a problem starts and the teacher will see that and make sure to help you.

  11. if your no good at it how did you even get in to honors?...and why would you take pre cal? wayyy weak in math and in my junior year i think i took geometry. why dont you talk to your school and see if you can go down a level or two so that  you can do a little better in your classes. or at least try and get out of the honors class.

  12. Same here!..

    i think it is becasue math is not intersting...find a way to keep it interesting like reward yourself so after every test if you pass buy something nice. or get help until you understand it more then you will be fine.

    good luck

  13. Okay, I was, as you can see I said "I WAS" very good at math.  I miss it.  What I used to do when solving a problem I would put part of the answers on flash cards.  Some math problems can be pretty long.  So what I would do is separate that problem with flash cards.  Than I would put the whole problem together on the math paper.  

  14. I know how you feel.  Math was my worst subject too.  Try finding someone to tutor you, that helps A LOT.  I didn't think tutoring would help, but it did.

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