
Why is meat Unhealthy?

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i know some basic stuff, but i would like to know more and in details if possible as well please.





  1. its is very good for you, not unhealthy. the only unhealthy meat you can eat is like mcdonalds, burger king, wendy's, etc. its processed and very greasy.

  2. Firstly, meat is high in LDL which is bad fat and it will stick inside your blood vessel making it difficult for the blood to flow thru. It's one of the main reason for heart diseases.

    It's also possible to get sick or even die from eating not properly cooked meat from sick animal like the chicken that got bird flu not yet including all kind of parasites inside that meat.

    Believe it or not, digesting the meat from those slaughtered animals, one will also absorb the toxins from some kind of hormones that increase in the animals during slaughter.

    The feeling of fear, anxiety etc will lock inside the meat.

    You are what you eat!!!

    Human are not created to eat meat. One of the points is if we are mean to eat meat we wouldn't cook it like this.

    Lion or Tiger don't touch any cooked meat at all.

    We don't have the fang like carnivorous or meat-eating animals nor enough acid in the stomach to digest alot of meat.

  3. Eating meat is not unhealthy. But people eat too much of it.

    It is the lifestyle of the individual that makes diets, any diet, unhealthy.

    why is it not unhealthy? People have been eating meat for thousands of years.If it was unhealthy, human civilization would have ceased to exist or would not have developed into the relatively sophisticated civilization we see today. The American diabetic Association says a healthy food choice includes meat and fish seafood, low fat dairy etc.

    Vegetarianism/veganism is just a lifestyle choice for those lucky enough to have a choice. People seem to forget that. They also seem to think that if people eqt meqat, that's all they eat.

    Judging from the reactions of pro vegtarian posters to the non vegetarian posts, I would say being a veggie makes one intolerant, bigoted and childish.

  4. because you're getting hormones, antibiotics, vaccines, everything that was injected into the animal's blood stream. Also, the amount can vary, but all meats contain saturated fat and cholesterol...

  5. Lean healthy meats tend to be pretty healthy, especially if you don't go overboard in eating them.

    I've been a weight lifter for about 5 years. Some of those years I was a vegetarian too. When I started eating meat again, I ate lean stuff like skinless boneless chicken breast. I lost some weight and gained some strength at the same time.

    When I leaned down for my first bodybuilding competition, I got to around 9% body fat (a little high for a competition, but I'll do better next time). I did this by eating small portions of meat with nearly every meal. (Sometimes protein shakes instead.)

    My personal experience (as weight lifter) is that the right meats in the right proportions is healthier (and/or much easier) than being a vegetarian.

  6. it isn't it gives us protein , but some meat has a lot of fat in it.

  7. If you eat to much it is. you have to balance it out with fruits & veggies. if you eat hamburger try to get the leanest it will say the fat content on the package. My friends dad had to cut out meat of his diet for health reasons, & he lost alot of weight, so now he is not obese & he feels alot better. I get headaches when I eat meat,(hamburgers, fast food) so all i eat is occasionally chicken & turkey.

  8. It isn't unhealthy, it's part of a balanced diet.

    Why ask in places where you will get lies from brainwashed veggies?

  9. It's not.  Most arguments against meat is propaganda to supress ranchers (who are mostly conservative Republicans.)

    Also, a vegetarianism in ancient times was know as the "slave diet" as it makes one passive, less aggressive and more prone to suggestion and mass control.  Then there are these studies showing a soy protein diet promotes homosexual behavior (could explain a lot in Santa Cruz.)

    If you want to never make a difference in the world and let the man control you, go veg and soon you will start acting like one.

  10. Meat is not unhealthy when eaten as a part of a balanced diet.

  11. meat is BAD for your health. some people say tat the protien we need is in meats. you can find the same protein in many other things such as beans, potatos, wheat bread, nuts, grains, stawberries, rice, tomatoes, brocoli, green peas, onions, eggplant... do i really have to keep going?

    ~ meat has been prooven to cause heart disease

    ~ meat is in general, very high in fat witch can lead to obesedy and type two diabetes

    ~ many diseases run in the U.S. such as mad cow disease

    ~meat has many added hormones in it witch are bad for your body (duh)

    ~ those hormones make "that time of the month" worse for girls

    ~ meat can cause stroke

    ~ meat raises blood pressure

    ~ meat can cause cancer (i wasnt sure about this at first, so i looked up this article: i guess its true!)

    there are just some of the reasions meat is bad for you. of course there are other very big reasons out there, but it would have taken WAY too long to find them all and type them. : )

  12. I've heard from vegans that it has animal hormones that our bodies can neither digest nor should we have these hormones in our body.

    The same thing with milk.

    (I'm not really sure about this though)

  13. Meat is not unhealthy at all.  Do not believe the ridiculous lies.

  14. It depends on the kind of meat you eat. Unless it's organic and free range you're probably eating hormones and who knows what else. You may have a higher incident of parasites which strain your immune system. The reason eating fatty meats is unhealthy doesn't really need much explaination. Also, too much protein can put a strain on your kidneys. Too much meat can make you constipated - it takes a lot longer to digest, too.

  15. animal products in general are unhealthy...all the taste comes from the blood. and uhh,,ew! lol some meat has  worms in it..and ummm...yeah..meat is just not good...thats my opinion,,, i htink that if ur gonna eat meat,,,only eat like,, fish and chicken..pork is deffinetly a no no!

  16. meat is wonderful, every family should eat lots of it
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