
Why is meat-eating bad ?

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Why is meat-eating bad ?




  1. It subtly slows your thinking clear and fast. Besides meat gives you animal vibes when you eat it.

    Anyway, I still eat meat but no pork if possible.

  2. Its not

  3. regular beef consumption has been linked to colon cancer (and beef takes the most time to exit your system). Stick to fish and lean cuts of poultry and pork.

  4. Besides the scientific proven fact that meat is, beyond the shadow of a doubt, not good for our health, nor our spiritual wellbeing, do we really think we possess the God-given right to take the life of a helpless innocent animal, purely for the satisfaction of our palate? In God’s eyes all living entities are created equal, and there is ultimately no spiritual distinction except for the material body, the outward dress of the soul.  

    The greed-driven meat industry and so-called educated class of covetous people want you to believe that unless you eat meat you’re missing out on important vitamins and/or proteins. Nothing could be further from the truth. It is mainly due to our conditioned upbringing in a meat-eating family environment where our parents taught us from birth that meat is an indispensable part of our diet. So in that sense we’re not to blame, because of the imposed ignorance by our elders.

    Through well crafted TV commercials and bill board ads, we are brainwashed and forced to think we cannot live without meat. Which in actual reality is dead rotting flesh with added chemicals to make the meat look attractive. As soon as an animal is slaughtered, its flesh begins to putrefy, and after several days it turns a sickly gray-green. The meat industry masks this discoloration by adding nitrites, nitrates, and other preservatives to give the meat a bright red color, and give it longer shelve life. This decaying flesh, along with its preservatives, continue to make our lives extensively miserable by causing dreadful invasive diseases like cancer and malignant tumors, etc.

    Once we’re properly informed about these ‘hidden’ truths, it takes only a little smarts to figure out what these lowlifes are up to, and after—your money!  We can only reasonably assume that these crooked people don’t have our best interest in mind. So for our own sake and well being, being largely innocent victims of circumstances, we better wake up, and change our eating habits. Plus, can all these distinguished people be wrong?

  5. its not if its done humanely....

    this is one example of NOT humane-

  6. Most meat is not bad except pork because it's not a clean meat and has very little nutritional value.

  7. humans are meant to eat contains protein iron and B vitamins

  8. It's not.

    If God didn't want us to eat cows, why did he make them out of steak?

  9. I thought eating meat was bad for years but i got sick this past year and they thought i had a cancer because my iron number was so low, but it was because i eat no meat all those years and i needed those vitamins the meat provides. I still do not eat a lot of meat but i try to add some to my diet every once in a while.

  10. too much fat

  11. It is not bad if eaten in moderation (4 to 6 ounces) a day.

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