
Why is media silent regarding Obama's........?

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It seems as if there is a lot of traffic on the Internet concerning the possibility of Obama's birth certificate being false. If this 'news' is ever proven to be true, then Obama could not be a Presidential candidate. The web traffic is saying he was foreign born. WHY is the media silent on this ?? WHY are they not investigating? WHY are they not re-hashing it over and over like they would do if McCain had the same rumors going on about him? Anybody want to guess? I am not saying these rumors are true or false, my question is WHY the media is so silent.




  1. The media is silent because they have held him so high and they are determined to put Him in the white House no matter what America wants. kinda like Nancy Pelosi not letting congress vote. no matter what America wants.  Don't you just love these people telling us what we will or will not except.  Come November. I have a feeling we just may see some changes that will effect America for ever.  where it's good or bad. God have mercy.  

  2. Because this was long ago investigated and proved completely utterly totally false, which even a cursory Internet search would have shown you. I mean, he was born in HAWAII for God's sake, if you are born in the USA or its territories you are an American citizen. It's a no-brainer.

    The real question here, is why you think it was important to investigate something that is prima facie nonsense? I suspect that it says something about you, but I won't elaborate.

  3. The media is silent on this because they are controlled by sponsors with big $$$$$$'s.  Unfortunately, "money" dictates what is and what is not covered by the media.

  4. Could it be that it is obviously dis-information out to discredit him.

    If I post somewhere that Mccain shot his C.O. in the back during the war then it is easily checkable, so it would be proved false. Why then would anyone make a big deal out of it?

    Same thing.

  5. There is no media movement for a number of reasons, And we know

    what they are., However there was some news on the web this

    morning. Two document experts have found traces of His sisters

    information on this document. If this can be bore out and become

    true. Then it is time for the Justice dept, to cease the document.

    Take it to the lab and go through it. I do believe at this time they

    do have enough for a probable cause writ to ask for the document.

  6. the liberal media will not say anything that might hurt his chances...

    the thing I don't understand is why Fox News doesn't say something about it...unless they are waiting to see if Hillary uses it at the convention...if they wait and Hillary brings it out then all the Obama supporters will be mad at Hillary and wont vote for her... that puts McCain in a very good position...remember when the rumor was about Obama smoking and all the Obama supporters said it was a lie and then it turned out to be true...there have been other rumors that turned out not to be just rumors...I think that this one might just have some truth to it as well...we will just have to wait and see...

    always nosnod

  7. Any negatives or potential negatives about Obama will not be exploited or reported on by the mainstream media. They have already voted for him mentally and emotionally even though the election isn't until November.

    Fortunately a groundswelling of skepticism is emerging about Obama and how he is completely void of ideas, content, or experience, leaving many in the democratic party concerned they have an unqualified candidate.  

  8. It might be true.  The clinton mafia keeps saying they have something that they will release soon.

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