
Why is menudo only served on weekends?

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I can only buy Menudo (tripe stew) at Mexican restaurants on weekends. Why is that?




  1. It's a hangover cure for the morning after drinking.

  2. There are two reasons.  First, menudo takes a long time to cook.  Second, it's traditionally a hangover cure, and hangovers traditionally happen on the weekend.

  3. Most restaurants have "weekend" foods- things that maybe don't sell as well during week days, so they don't waste time and resources offering them on the Monday through Thursday menu. Prime rib is a good example- people will order it to treat themselves on a Saturday night, but not a Tuesday night. Since menudo is a favorite hangover cure, maybe they've found the most demand is on weekends when a lot of people  have had too much "relaxation" the night before.

  4. When I lived in Sacramento,, Alonzo's Restaurant On Saturday and Sunday's the customers would actually line up outside to pick orders of tamales.I asked why and most were "They were having a party."

    I would imagine that Menudo would fall in that celebration mode also....

  5. the preparation to cook it is long and tedious!

  6. Menudo may only be served on the weekends due the long cooking time. I recall several occasions when my wife or mother have prepared and cooked menudo they started early morning or would cook the tripe a night before. As for Menudo being a hangover food that is NOT TRUE. My family finds such a statement offensive. Menudo is considered a breakfast food. The countless times I have eaten menudo it has always been in the morning and never after a hang over. I could think of many other foods I would rather have after a night of drinking.

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