
Why is mexico considered a 3rd world country?

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if its th13th richest.




  1. The original definition of a "3rd World Nation" was a country that became self-governing after the Second World War.

    Mexico won it's Independence from Spain in 1821.

    However, the hallmark of the majority of those "3rd World" nations widespread illiteracy and grueling poverty. India, and all of Sub-Saharan Africa are good examples. Mexico has plenty poor and ignorant citizens. It might be the 13th richest nation but that wealth is not well distributed.

  2. Well, the word "if" really gives away the answer here. It is not the 13th richest by any accurate understanding of "richest." It is ranked 60th in terms of GDP per capita.

    I can only imagine you might be referring to just GDP. But this is a horribly inaccurate way to calculate "richness." For one thing, it would make India one of the richest countries in the world, even though most of India lives in some of the world's worst poverty. Large countries with poorer people would be considered "richer" than smaller countries with richer people.

    China, (some part of) India, and Mexico are all developing countries. What determines developmental or 3rd world status is not the GDP. Instead it refers to standard of living, GDP per capita, infrastructure and so forth. You can find more details at

    It is also important to note that the term "3rd world" is used usually to refer to any country that is neither a developed, industrialized country nor a communist country. The conditions within "3rd world" countries can vary dramatically. The rather well-off conditions found in places like Argentina or Chile are lumped in with the crushing poverty of parts of Africa and south Asia.

  3. the 1st world is usually considered NATO and medium or rich countries aligned with the West during the Cold War

    Mexico was aligned with the West but was poor in the 70's and 80's and was then considered 3rd world

  4. mostly because of it's corrupt government and social make up

  5. It's a third world country for its citizens. They live in poverty, don't have any modern technology and given the number that sneak into America just to support their family is an indication for me that there are not many decent paying jobs.

    But go as a tourist and you'd never know it, unless you leave your resort grounds.

    The only exception would be Mexico City. It's full of culture, art, theaters, restaurants, universities and actually has a class system. That's not to say there aren't people who live there, who live below the poverty level as well.

  6. A lot of it has to do with health and public welfare, not just riches.  Have you ever been there?  Outside of the tourist areas, I mean.  The sewer, water, and public sanitation is not there.  At least not the way it is in the USA.

  7. Citizens do not have control over which companies set up in their towns just like citizens do not in Canada with timber companies.

    Also the focus on news articles  in Canada and the U.S. which portray Panhandlers as aggressive to not receive mention. There was a recent case where a Panhandler was told to leave town by Authorities in Vancouver. The article is in The Vancouver Province or The Vancouver Sun. This was front page news.

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