
Why is miami's mascot a duck???

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  1. You ever see a hurricane costume? They had to pick something.

  2. because thats what you have to do when walking thru the miami campus so you don't get shot in the head.....he's like a walking public service announcement

  3. It's actually an Ibis...a bird known to frequent the Florida coast  He's called "Sebastian"

    another fact: The ibis was selected as the school's mascot because, according to university legend, it is the last animal to flee an approaching hurricane and the first to reappear after the storm, making it a symbol of leadership and courage.

  4. it's not a duck it's some sea faring bird, i think its a pelican or something anyway, there was a hurricane and one of those ibis or stork whatever it is was whipped beak first into the schools flagpole and was stuck there hanging by it's beak, so they made the dead bird the school mascot, as an omage to the mighty wind that is the schools moniker

  5. Don't know but he looks pissed

  6. haha aww man the guy above; that was harsh. How can a Hurricane be a mascot? have you seen the phillies mascot? wtf is that

  7. i think its very cute!!

  8. Because the "U" is nothing less than a collection of pussssies and retards.  

  9. im not sure but he looks like an idiot with that hat on.

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