
Why is microsoft windows code so easily breached by hackers?

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Why is microsoft windows code so easily breached by hackers?




  1. its not so much that its easy...its everywhere....the strongest hardest to break padlock in the built by guys...they know how to break it...and could share the info....its the same with windows, except its in more peoples interest to break into it..and they have greater opportunity to practise...altho I still say..being a hacker is a sign of a teeny winky

  2. Because Microsoft pray to hack MS Windows code. Otherwise, Microsoft will loose a big share of its market. It is a marketing tactic only. If 1,00,000 will use Pirated Application sooner or later even if 10% will buy Genuine, Microsoft will be happy.

    Otherwise, I strongly feel if Microsoft want more profits, Market Share and Genuine Applications. They should low down price tag. 99% people do not by Microsoft products as they are charged more then it's worth.

    I do not want to pay more then $100 for any Microsoft Windows.

  3. It's easier and quicker to write bad code than it is to write good code and when any code is made available to the general public you have hundreds of thousands of people trying to bust it for days on end, simple as that...

    It takes a hacker a lot of time and effort, usually, to find a vulnerability and write some PoC code to exploit it but once that information is released to the community it's simple for someone to take the PoC exploit code, compile it and use it...

    Microsoft come under fire because of how widely used their products are and it's not always the operating system at fault. Most of the time it's the users themselves who invite the hackers in by downloading and executing trojans, having a poorly configured firewall and generally not having a clue about the risks of networking a device.

    Microsoft should spend a lot more time validating code prior to release than patching up holes afterwards, that's a given, but equally users should try to educate themselves on proper internet conduct and the basics of network security.

    Hackers don't just come in one flavour by the way, there are good ones and there are bad ones...


    To give you an idea of how easy it is to write bad code, here's a PHP sample :

    $result=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM accounts WHERE username='$_GET[U]' AND password='$_GET[P]';");

    Looks fine at a glance to most people, real coders would spot the problem a mile away, but use that on a poorly configured webserver and your database can be bust wide open by anyone knowing the absolute beginners basics of SQL injection.

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