
Why is minstream media scared of 9/11 truth?

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Why is minstream media scared of 9/11 truth?




  1. Are you speaking of the "truth" that the US had no knowlege  of the hijakings and the plan to fly into the twin towers or the truth that we knew about it or maybe even planned it?

    I feel the government did know about it. I don't think it is so much they are "scared" of the truth, I feel that they know the truth, but someone somewhere is wanting to keep it hush hush. I am sure there is a lot of other info out there about what really happened and why it was planned. I am sure it will leak out years to come. I am also sure that there are some people out there that are being paid big bucks (or threatened with their lives) to not talk about the real truth.

    As for the rest of the population, we were brought up thinking this country is the best country on the planet. We were told we are free. In some ways, our country is better and more free, however, it seems day by day our freedoms are being taken away. Our society does not want to believe that a government so strong and so "pure" as the United States of America would ever do such a thing to our own people. What America does not realize is that everything that is done, is done for ONE reason only- MONEY.

  2. Mullahs started it thinking it will scare the world. Well it backfired and THEY ARE THE ONES WHO ARE SCARED and coming out with garbage like conspiracy tales. Stop wetting yr pants guys--just do not try that kinda stuff again cause next time u will not just wet yr pants, but will soil them to death.

  3. What truth ,, do you still believe in santaclaus and boogey man.

  4. It is not scared of the truth, it suppresses the truth.  It is the government's propaganda machine.

  5. The mainstream media isn't afraid of 9/11 "truth."   The problem with the mainstream media is that it feels somewhat compelled to stick with facts, and it tends to shy away from fiction.   That is why you don't read very many exposes on bigfoot, the Lochness Monster, or the 9/11 "truth."   But don't feel bad that you don't get coverage, I think that you fruitcakes are doing a h**l-of-a-job.

  6. The same reason we're scared of UFOs and big purple tentacles under our beds.

  7. Because they are part of the cover up.  GE owns NBC.  If NBC were to broadcast all the questions being brought to the table by so many experts, the current neocon govt. would fall....and with it....all the money that has been promised through defense contracts to GE.  Time Warner, Walt Disney, News Corp, Viacom; all have entangling ties financially with the govt.  If they go spout off the truth, the end result will be the massive diminishing of their funds.  From Rupert Murdoch all the way down to lil' wee old Bill Hemmer's punk ***.  This is why NONE of the actors portraying to be news analysts will speak up.  Yes, they are ACTORS.  They read from a script and do EXACTLY as puppets in the flesh and blood.

    ....btw...this concentration of mainstream media that is filtered and edited before being broadcast to the population, is indeed the SAME tactic Hitler used to rally the Germans behind the n**i War Machine.  The biggest difference, Hitler wasn't patient.  The internationalist behind the American Empire are VERY patient.  Hitler arose in 1933 and was in a full scale war in less than 10 years.  Our puppet masters (internationalists like David Rockefeller) have been effectively establishing this movement since the early 60's.  It's called 'conditioning the population'.

    Just read what what the man himself had to say:

    "Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as 'internationalists' and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure---one world, if you will. If that's the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it." ~ David Rockefeller, “Memoirs”, 2002

  8. Because 9/11 "truth" lies.  It has proven to lie.  For example, the "No plane theory".  The distortion of quotes.  The "Thermite residue" on the steel.  The residue on the steel got there because the steel was cut, by hand during the cleanup.

  9. I think its because of the fear of the unknown. The "truth" will be too much for our nation to handle. We dont know how people will take it and as such we can't release such knowledge.

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