
Why is money so important?!?!!!!!!!

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I'm sick of money! Everywhere I go, it's money this, money that, money money money!!!

College is so expensive. I can't even pursue a higher education unless I take out student loans! Everything we do involves money! Money for food. Money for clothes. Money for shelter. Money for entertainment. Why does life revolve around money!

*End rant.*

Do you wish the world wasn't like this?




  1. I agree with you. Money sucks, point blank.

  2. I wish the world didn't revolve around material possessions, not money, as you put it.  There is too much emphasis put on things we own.  They are just things, no matter  how nice they may be, we can't take them with us when we die.  Colleges are money-making institutions in the US.  It's sad and I wish they were free like in Europe.  I am in debt because of this as well, but it's a "good" debt, I hear.  Unfortunately, we have to have money or we'd be Communists.

  3. I am guessing your major isnt economics?

  4. I do wish the world wasn't like this. Money is the worst thing to happen to this planet and human beings. Of course, most people will say "without money there'd be no technology and we'd die younger" to which my response would be "SO WHAT???" Do you think the government gives a c**p about what we want? The only reason they do so much to keep us alive is to have us working longer. The longer people live, the more money there is for those who already have more than they know what to do with. I'd rather be truly free and die at 45 than be a slave for 50 years of my life and die at 65. I'm anxious to see some of the responses to this question. It's going to be interesting to see how brainwashed some people are because people these days loooooove their money.  

  5. yes, but in the meantime can i borrow a couple of dollars

  6. yes but without money everything would be in chaos. i wish life didnt revolve around money to!!! =(

  7. Money in an economy is sorta like oil in an engine. It makes it run more smoothly and efficiently than it would without it.

    The textbook answer is that money makes exchanges easier by solving the barter problem. You can only barter with people who have what you want and want what you have. If everyone "wants" money, that problem is greatly reduced.

    The "naturalness" of money is apparent here: in prison, cigarettes are used as money. People who do not smoke will accept cigarettes as payment because they know they can exchange the cigarettes to someone else for something else.

    That's the "medium of exchange" role of money. There are a couple others (or three depending on who you talk to) but that works for now.

    In answer to the second part, you need to know something about the role of the interest rate in the economy. Bottom line, the interest rate is the cost of borrowing money to build homes, businesses, etc. A high interest rate discourages new businesses, slowing growth. But a low interest rate can cause inflation, which undercuts the value of savings.

    Its a rather difficult balancing act to keep the interest rate low enough so we can grow as fast as we can, but high enough so inflation doesn't make all that income we earn and savings we've accumulated worth less. You lower the interest rate by increasing the money supply (there are a few ways), and raise it by restricting the money supply.

  8. if thw world was free, everyone would have everything they wanted and the world would just go *BANG*, i am please the world isnt free, but i do complain when things are a little to expensive, i wish the world was slightly cheaper than it is.

  9. I don't really mind. Money's not a big problem. I mean im not a billionaire r my family isnt but we're average and we dont have any money problem.s I dont get how you seem all like OMG Money sucks.

  10. Yes, but if there were no money, there would be anarchy and all h**l would break loose.

    For example, people would be running around in shops taking stuff and breaking things.

    Also, think of it this way: How are the people that manufacture products or pick grain from the fields soppused to live? If everything is free, there will be such a high demand for products that there will not be sufficient amounts of material and soon all our resources (coal, oil, steel, etc.) will run out. This would lead to, eventually, widespread destruction and death.

    Sometimes people wish there was no money so that everyone could be the same and life would be fair, but if you start thinking about it, it's not really such a good idea.

  11. because our ecomony is messed up and every thing is made and stereotyped to be materialistic i am happy and i am broke at job corps not having money and my parents to rely on helped me gain respect and responsibility.

  12. What do you want people to work there asses off in the feild over in china and in factory's for free ?

  13. yes I know it sucks, but specially in US college is sooo expensive they make it almost impossible for some people to pursue their careers..

    I wish it wasn't like that, but I guess they figure this was better than the one from before: People would trade certain amounts of merchandise for others and labor for food etc...  

  14. Of course I wish the world wasn't like this. What the heck with all the economy? People should have the right to use things for free. I hate the whole idea of money. Someone should write a very angry letter to Barack Obama (since he's totally gonna win the election) about the economy and some tax cuts.

  15. Money is just an object thats buys you think you want/need and normally what you "want" you regret buying but the word revolves around money and rich people.

  16. I wish it weren't...  but it is.  

  17. Yes, I do.

  18. Spoken like someone that has little of it.  It will go away when you use your expensive college to come up with a better medium of exchange.

  19. Bescouse without money we couldnt buy anythang and are sysiaty would go pulalling down so the more you buy the better

  20. Money makes the world go around. You go to college to be better educated and make a good amount of money.

    It is very discouraging and stressfull at times, but it's life and we all have to deal with it.  

  21. yeah I wish the world wasn't like this. But our founding fathers created the government in hopes that it would make life easier. Apparently it didn't. But now the laws have been set so it will never change. It sucks doesn't it.

  22. i wish that but i MOSTLY wish i could start my WHOLE life over from birth but i wanna remember Everything from the 1st time and i wanna to be born with magic powers like sabrina the teenage witch only i wanna be able to fully use them from birth should i go on in detail or r u not granting wishes if not i wont keep going if u r than i will keep going

    PLEASE email if u r granting wishes so i can keep going into detail

  23. Money keeps people sane but also drives them insane, with out a form of money there would be chaos trying to get the things you need to sustain yourself in daily life. Money causes greed which turns people evil. So I guess I wish it wasnt like this, but its better this way than a world where you have to trade.  

  24. It makes people do horrible things for sure, and it really is the root of all evil(my opinions), but it is a pretty weird thought to think of the world without money.

    I mean, it's like thinking about how the universe is constantly expanding or how ice cream has air bubbles in it.

    I'm not sure if our current humanity could have any structure without money, but it would certainly be an interesting question to ask a philosopher. lol.

  25. Would you rather be in extreme poverty? I know it sucks how stressful it is but really we are lucky that we get to worry about such things when considering Non-American lifestyles-- we're actually very spoiled regardelss of the stress money causes.

  26. i sure wish it was! but the Lord says to build upur rewards in heaven rather than on earth!

  27. Pay me and I'll answer your question

  28. yes, yes i do.

    the world revolves around money because people are shallow.

    Who knows how it got this far?

    Maybe its only the beginning of the downward spiral of our civilization.


  29. Don't like money?

    Try to think of a better system of keeping the world from falling into absolute chaos than.

    No money...people would steal, loot, take too much, be nothing left for some, money keeps things balanced - believe it or not.

  30. yes,

    to some deserted island

    and grow are food

    with all da ones we love


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