
Why is money valuable?

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There is a well worn adage that "money makes the world go around". Is this true or false? Please explain.




  1. It's true. Money is used to regulate trade all around the world. It's not that what the money is made of is valuable. It's more like money are points towards an item that you want.

    Like I said, it helps to regulate the amount of trade that is being done.

  2. money does in fact make the world go round, in a non-literal sense.  without an easy, portable way of trading goods, economies would be much more fragile, and people wouldn't be able to afford small things.  you would have to trade everything, and so instead of giving a paper one dollar bill, you would have to give something you think to be equivalent to that amount.  money, is not actually valuable though.  it is just a representation of our country's wealth.  that is why inflation is through the roof.  our country is constantly producing paper money, but we dont have the resources to back it all up, considering the billions of dollars we are in debt.  what america needs more than anything else is somebody who can get us out of the economical toilet so inflation can finally slow, instead of just speeding up.

  3. origionally money was like used because at first gold was the most valuable thing so people used that to trade.  but gold got heavy so they used money to back the gold ( which the treasury "should" have) so money is actualy tender representing the gold that the government owns.

  4. almost everything is about money.(or everything)

    common sense- for you to live you need to have money

    food, shelter,clothes, hobbies(sports and recreation) education

    even the market,economy and state of the country you live in-lifestyle.

    People's mentality: with these and industrialization combined this will further promote the individualism and mentality of the people(greed, excessive need for luxuries which creates more gap between rich and poor)

    even love might be indirectly involve w/ money. Honestly almost No one would love a hobo or someone who is not financially secured to the extremes or did you see the commercial of the "Visa" credit card. wherein an owner of a dog gives toys[something like that] for his dog.

    The last part of it says "Love can't be bought, for anything else --" Not the exact words but you get the point it can't buy everything but it affects everything greatly

    Edit: let me return a question- what are the things you think that you can get/do for free legally that is not related to money[clubs in school is not included because you need to pay before you can join][sports i.e.:basketball aren't included because you need a ball in which you need money ]. I could just think of a few 1talking to a friend 2breathing(don't know about

  5. Money is valuable because it was made to be valuable, that was it's purpose.. Yes, in a certain way it is true, everything needs money. Nothing is free.


  6. In my opinion, money itself isn't valuable, but the things we believe we can attain by having it seem to be to some people.  I've always loved the saying:

    "It doesn't matter if you make $1,000 or $1,000,000 a year, because there's always going to be something you want that you can't afford."     :)

  7. Well if you are in zimbabwe it's not worth much at all.

  8. Money is just a medium for exchange of goods and services.  Its something that we have all agreed we will accept for the majority of the things we sell, our labor, and our property and possessions.  Each society can have a different kind of money until they decide to trade with other societies.  At that point, an exchange rate must be determined to allow the form of money used by one group to be translated into an appropriate amount from the other group.  If you have these things in place, you can trade within and between each society, and eliminate all the costly overhead of a bartering system.
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