
Why is morphine given to patients who are dying?

by  |  earlier

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does it harm the organs in any way




  1. Yes, that's why they give it to the dying or those in extreme pain.  Extended use causes liver damage because it constipates you.

  2. Basically, it's so the family of the dying person feels better about the level of suffering in the patient's final hours.  If the person in unconscious the whole time they're busy dying it doesn't much matter...but often, cancer patients who have a poor prognosis will frequently be treated for the pain that way they go out in a pretty light show instead of suffering all the way to the bitter end.

  3. It numbs the pain and relaxes them. My husband had a small amount of morphine when he had a kidney stone because he couldn't even stand up straight. It did not do any damage to his organs.

  4. i don't kno if it harms organs, but it helps to relieve the pain

  5. I just watched a friend die from cancer.

    She had morphine and other drugs to take away her pain.

    When death is immanent, there is no need to worry about long term effects.

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