
Why is my 1 year old chihuahua shaking all of a sudden?

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all of a sudden my chihuahua started shaking and not being able to sit still not playing with his toys or anything he vomited earlier today and afterwards acted fine what could be wrong




  1. my 1yr old chihuahua shakes to, don't worry i asked my vet and she said almost every chihuahua does that ;]

  2. Could his sugar be low?  

  3.    It could be that he ate something that made him nauseous.  The other possibility is that he had a seizure.  Keep an eye on him to see if this happens again. If you think that he's acting weird or differently, that's the key and if he is it probably means something.

       There's a difference between just shaking because he's excited or nervous and having a seizure.  With seizures, you'll notice that he'll act different before and/or after having one.  He may get up after it and not know where he is or what's happening, may not be able to walk, etc.  If you don't see it again, it may not be a big deal but you should mention it next time you're at the vet's for vaccines.  If you see it again in the next month or so, schedule an appointment as soon as convenient.  If you see two in the same 24-hour period or if you think he's had a seizure that's lasted more then a couple minutes, it's an emergency.  He needs to be seen as soon as possible.

  4. When Peanut, my chihuahua does that its because of low blood sugar.

  5. mine does the same thing. i usually try to put him in a calm environment and surround him with pillows and blankets and pet him gently. he usually stops shaking after about 10 minutes.  

  6. theirs nothing wrong i have a boston terrier and he does the same thing small dogs are very nervous and have allot of pent up energy. if you still are worried take it to the vet. it is normal for them to do that.

  7. he might have worms.mine used to shake and get sick when he had them.

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