
Why is my 3 and half month baby so serious?

by  |  earlier

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My son is three and a half months and he rarely smiles and looks serious all the time. He doesn't seem interested in anything, He'll sometimes grab a blanket or maybe nudges a toy, but isn't really that bothered. We have tried everything to make him laugh, but nothing. Do you think we have a problem? or is our son taking his time and just chilling?




  1. Take him to see his doctor. It may be nothing but you are obviously concerned.

  2. Maybe he's the next Einstein!

  3. I c wut you did thar.


  4. he is either


    or genius

    though i dont think they get too emoitonal at that age

  5. my son is serious alot. when he was born, the nurse said he was serious-looking. he laughs alot now, but still serious alot. he's 6 months now. some babies are just calm. each baby has own personality. if you're worried about autisim,  xheck this out:


    not serious:

  6. It may not be anything to worry about, but with any concerns I recommend getting involved in "First Steps"... it's a program designed to make sure that babies are developing the way they should be. The best part is- it's extremely cheap and the woman comes to your home.

    To be honest, every parent should look into it, just to be sure that everything is ok. My 15 yr old son was in the program when he was a toddler and my 1 yr old is on it, too.

    I would think that a baby his age would be reacting by now. I hope you look into it.

  7. If he starts askin you for a pair of sandals and a Bong when he's about 4.......... I think you might have a future Hippy on your Hands.

    Buy him a Guitar and a Frog to l**k.

  8. my son smiles when i kiss him on his lips and when i sit him in front of a mirror.. try carry him and let him see himself in the mirror.. if ur rly concerned just give ur doc a call but it prob just normal.. he's prob messing with u..

    EDIT: he's 11 weeks

  9. Hi I dont know the answer to your question but my nephew is exaclty the same, he was a really sleepy baby for 3 months so when he was a wake he was really quiet and he wasnt in the mood for anything, my brother and his girlfriend got him to lauugh every now and then at around 4 months but its just hardwork even now he is 9 months old you have to work hard at getting him to laugh,every other baby you only have to say Hi to them and they are smiling and giggling away. I dont have a clue whats wrong with some babies lol, I dont think its anything to do with developement, but maybe not enought hugs or kisses and swaddling could be the cause as I know my brother and his girlfriend never did this. Who knows

    I am due to have my baby in a few days and althought I will love him no matter wat I hope my baby isnt a misrable bugger lol, as it just makes the parents out as if they dont spend time trying to get the child to be happy when this is not the case.  

  10. I've been a nanny for over 15 years. I can tell you there is nothing wrong with your son. Serious children tend to be very observant children. They are very bright when it comes to school. Relax, he'll laugh when he think something is funny.  

  11. hiya

    it took my god child 7 months to start laughing, every baby does things at there own pace. You could however take him to the doctors as you are worried. I hope this helped x

  12. my baby is 5 months. he will laugh at the most random things. like right now, he laughs like crazy when i give him high 5's. he also laughs when i lift his legs up and sniff his butt over and over again. he also laughs when i dance around like an crazed idiot for him haha. or if he's laying on the bed, i'll like run and jump on top of him (not on him obviously, but like ill be above him). my son just likes really quick movements and me moving him around like crazy. oh and he loves patty cake games. just keep trying different stuff.

  13. All babies are unique and meet milestones at their own pace. Developmental guidelines simply show what your baby has the potential to accomplish — if not right now, then soon. If your baby was premature, keep in mind that kids born early usually need a bit more time to meet their milestones. If you have any questions at all about your baby's development, ask your healthcare provider.

  14. Ever baby is different and he probably is one he may well just be an interested baby more than an interactive baby, however i would speak to you health visitor or dr about it just to see what they say.

    I dont think comments like 'maybe he is possesed' are very appropriate!

  15. Maybe hes posessed.

  16. consult a doctor. your child MAY have disorder. autism or something. dont hesitate to approach a doctor 'cause he'll know what to do.

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