
Why is my 360 a peice of c**p?

by  |  earlier

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My 360 keeps freezing whenever i try to play advanced games such as ( COD 4 or Halo 3) and when it freezeds it goes "BLEEP!" and gets all pixelated and freezes. anyone know the source to this issue? I'm not turning it in to microsoft. so that's out of the question. I wasn't sure if there was something in there that I could clean or check out that might be damaged. Thanks




  1. Unfortunately, your 360 is probably having problems with the video processor overheating.

    Fortunately, you can fix this yourself.  Yes, it will void the warranty, but the fix applied by MS has been proven to fail time and time again.  

    This DIY fix has an initial success rate of about 85%, and will not break again.

  2. What ever you do, do not take it apart. A friend of mine did that to try and find out what was wrong and they voided the warranty.

    My 360 freezes duting Halo 3 every now and them, but not enough to bother me.

    Sending it in to get repaired is pretty much your only option.

  3. A lot of the 360s have problems with the disk drive.  Microsoft and your local game store are aware of these problems and can advise you how to proceed.

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