
Why is my 4.5 year-old daughter who is very active and seemingly intelligent, always in trouble at school?

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She is a bright, exceedingly friendly child who makes is a great dancer. However, she has a short attention span and is often taken to task at home and in school. I am often called into school to hear of her misdemeanours, which range from talking too much and not listening to the teacher. I am at my wits end. Please help.




  1. She wants more attentions from you and all so i think you shold get her into something like karate thats Teaches her Discipline it worked for me so y not try it .

    hope dis info helps.

  2. It's always the intelligent and/or artsy ones that get in trouble...she could be bored or just too quick minded for how slow the teacher is going for everyone. Some people like to label their children ADD or ADHD when in reality, their kids are just great at multi-tasking and think quicker than others might.

  3. She might have ADD/ADHD and her attention span will be very short.  I spoke with my daughter's doctor and he diagnosed her with ADHD.  What we did for school was put a chart on her desk (small one) letting her know 3 things.  If her teacher called her name to get her to focus she would call out one of the numbers and my daughter had to look at it and read what it says (that was in kindergarten).  We also had her to take short breaks so that she could do something else to redirect her attention.  Test were broken up into 15 minutes intervals because my daughter didn't finish them because she was paying attention to something else.  They would let her go rearrange things (that the teacher gave her) in the classroom and then get back to the test.  She always finished ahead of the students and got a good grade.  We have kept that going all the way to high school.  The teachers were great in working with her.  She had a 504 plan but once she got older and a little more out of control we had to step it up to an IEP plan, which worked because they have to change it every year while she is in school.  Her IQ in the 5th grade was 145 (which is great for that age) and she took another one in the 8th grade and it was up to a 154.  I also enrolled my daughter in swimming to get her to get rid of some of the energy and bought everyone bikes so they could go out and expand everybody's energies.    

  4. maybe your child doesn't have disciplines at all. like me. i get very good grades at school. but when i am at home i act like a slob. i probably think from past experiments. its from the age. talk to her doctor, or school counselor.

  5. most children at her age will do this, it is the age for testing as well as her figuring out who she is and how others react to her under different situations. i believe she will grow out of it but if your worried maybe speak to your doctor about any learning issues there might be. also a big issue with these behaviours is food additives. many additives and food colours can alter a childs mood and behaviour. see the link below for an interesting read. I have cut lollies and food out of my sons diet and the doctors thought he might have ADD, he is now as close to perfect as i could ask for and his learning has picked up too!!

  6. I think you've answered your own question: she has a short attention span, which means she probably has difficulty paying attention in class for a set amount of time and gets distracted. Try having her practice staying still or doing an activity for a set amount of time and giving her rewards if she does it.

  7. If she is extra bright and the schoolwork seems easy to her, then it is possible that she is bored.

    Another possibility is that she is just free-spirited, creative and social by nature, perhaps not academically inclined to begin with?

    Either way she hasn't been at school for long at all, so be patient and give her some encouragement in the things she is good at.

    Best of luck  :)

  8. Because she's 4. You can't expect a 4 year old to be completely obedient yet. Maybe you should award her everyday she comes home from school only on days she doesn't get in trouble. It is also probably just a stage. If she is active maybe that is why she talks so much, also if she is intelligent that might be why she talks so much. Intelligent kids usually are very opinionated.

  9. I would take her to doctor to find out if she does have ADD.  I went through all of my years of school and college suffering from this and did not realize that all of those years did not have to be that bad.  That is one possibility.  It may also be that she is intelligent beyond her years.  The information the teacher is teaching may be boring to her because she already has the knowledge.  She may need to move up a level or grade, but I don't feel like she is acting on purpose.  

  10. not to label your child but she sounds like she has a.d.d. which might cause her to have a short attention span.....  

  11. she may be ahead of her class and bored

    get her an advancement/apptitude test to see if she would qualify for early grade advancement this may help alot

    you could also home or private school as both are less likely to bore her as she can go at her own pace instead of the pace set by schools that are sometimes behind because of other children

  12. Often times it is the smarter, more active child that gets into trouble, because of their intelligence and activeness.  There isn't enough going on in school/home to keep her busy.  Try activating her mind a little more with some puzzles or simple workbooks that are age appropriate.  Also, keep her physically active and explain to her that there is a time for her to talk in class and there's a time for her to be quiet and sit still and listen to her teacher and others.  

  13. i was a fun child running around all the time and stuff but when i got to year 2 i stoped running around and playing i would just sit in the corner and not do any work i never told any one why but my mum found out it was the teacher i would allways get told of 4 nothing and hit by him  check up on it that might be happening 2 ur girl

  14. Talk to her peditrician about the problems she is having. She may need to be evaluated for ADD/ADHD. The doctor is the only one who can rule these types of things out though.

  15. challenge her mind.

    please do not label your child ADD/ADHD and give her meds. for it yet.

    don't hurt her spirit like that.

    more discipline may help, but again she four, and may grow out of it.

    the reward idea was a good one.

    but please before anything challenge her mind, she just sounds bored, i was like this too.

    if she very good at multitasking and loves nature, she mite be an indigo or crystal child, I'm not saying she has to be or anything please don't take this the wrong way, its just  another idea and way to look at it.  I am very sorry if this disrespects your way of life or anything.

  16. The problem may be more with the school than the child.  It's not reasonable or realistic to expect a child that young to be quiet, still, and attentive.  Is she in a age appropriate setting?  I know many parents who push to have their kids placed in kindergarten and/or first grade before they are developmentally ready for it.  Think about the end of this process: if you push your child to enter school too early or skip grades, she will be leaving for college before you are ready to let her go.

  17. yes more attention

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  18. she wants more attention from you.

  19. it could be her short attention span makes her unable to concentrate so she ends up losing focus and talking over the teacher or not completing the task assigned. over active kids (such as children with add and adhd) often get in trouble in school because of the lack of focus, my husband is a perfect example. he often struggled because he didn't have the attention span! i would speak to her teacher and a school counselor to see what they think.  

  20. She needs a bit of discipline. Nothing too harsh, just a talking to and maybe a little one-on-one with Mum.  Does she have many friends who come to play? She may need  some inter action with children outside of the school.  She's young and it may be a phase she's going through. School is supposed to be fun at that age, so she's just enjoying herself and doesn't realise she may be mucking up.  Kids, ya gotta luv 'em. xx

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