
Why is my 4 month old kitten digging in it's litter box?

by  |  earlier

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After it uses the litter box, it digs around in their for a few minutes and sniffs around. Why does it do this? And why are cats automatically trained to use their litter boxes?




  1. the cat tries to cover it up, the same way it will try to cover up its food tray after it has  eating.  The cat is trainned to use the litter tray because the product in the litter tray has a certain smell to make them want to use it

  2. Cats are supposed to do that. When they do this, they are trying to find the right spot to go. They dig around afterward sometimes because they are covering up their p**p.

  3. They naturally try to cover up their waste, so they kick the litter around to cover it.  It is instinctual behaviour and totally normal.  Almost all cats do it.

    They aren't automaticaly trained -- I am presently trying to potty train my new kitten now.  And it is exhausting!

    Cats are clean creatures and they like to keep their waste away from them, so it makes sense that they'd want to go where they are supposed to -- and not have pee/#2 all over their domain.  They wouldn't like that either, once they are old enough to understand.

    Baby kittens need to be taught.

  4. Cats lean very quickly to use the place you have provided as they are habitual and instinctive as far as covering up after.

    My cat used to do that when he was a kitten, I used a few different and he really loved the crystal no odour litter beads and I think he liked the crunchy sound of digging around in there and had a bit of fun.

  5. Cats in the wild cover their leaving to deter predators. Covering their "tracks" basically. So it's an instinct for them. My cat Willie does the same thing in the litter box. He is especially fond of fresh litter and when I change the boxes, I can bet he'll make his rounds to each one and dig for at least 5 minutes. I'm not sure the reason but I'm sure it's not anything to worry about. After I get tired of hearing it, I usually say "Ok, that's enough" and he comes out.

  6. cause it is curious and likes to play

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