
Why is my 4 year old overeating?

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My 4 year old daughter is overeating and I cant find the cause of it. It's like once she starts eating, she doesn't or can't stop. She can eat 5 pieces of pizza and still asks for more and its the same way at every meal. She always asks for more chicken or more cereal. Her aunt seemed to be the same way growing up, her mom went to such lengths as to lock up the fridge, which i refuse to do. She is overweight for her age (she weighs 60 pounds) and I want to get this under control as soon as possible. Is there such thing as a chemical imbalance or is it as simple as overeating? Please help.




  1. just make sure you have healthy foods for her to eat and let her play and run to burn off the extra calories.  Make sure she's not eating to compensate for being bored - give her activities to do and don't let her eat in front of the television.  After a couple of slices of pizza, offer her some fruit or something different if she's still hungry.  

  2. Hi i understand just what you are going threw my daughter is the same way she eats and it seems like she is always still hungry i was browsing the internet and came upon this post... and allot of people are no help at all just rude comments don't let these people call you a bad mom... they must not have kids and know what it is like ... First of all.. All you people with the rude comments she is looking for help for a reason she cares about her some people are just so ignorant..It would be great if someone can give some help-full information i hope you get the help you are looking for (  :

  3. You can test whether it is "simply overeating" by offering her healthy alternatives. If she eats 5 apples and a cucumber and is still asking for more, then there may be a medical problem. But if she simply overeats on "tasty" foods, then you may have to control WHAT she eats.

    If you don't keep unhealthy foods in the house, you won't have to worry about how much of it she eats.

  4. You know you don't have to give her more food. you are her Mom, take control and make her eat healthy.

  5. Many times we think we're hungry when we're really thirsty. Make sure she's getting plenty of water, especially at meal times. Instead of letting her eat whatever she wants, get her to drink a full 8 oz glass of water before eating. Also, make sure she's eating nutritious snacks like carrots, celery, apples, etc., not junk food. She may be missing key vitamins and is overeating to compensate. Also, get her to a pediatrician who can do blood work to let you know if there is an imbalance. The ped can also refer you to a nutritionist to help you moderate your daughter's intake.

  6. Bittersweet ...what rubbish ...why would a four year old be in a nappy ? and what excuse does this mother have for allowing her child 5 slices of pizza makes me mad QUIT blaming others and look at your parenting skills !

  7. You can't find the cause ..shes eating 5 slices of pizza !

    Stop blaming things for your child's weight gain and look at what your feeding her, set meals for her buy healthier snacks .get rid of crisps and chocolate and replace it with healthier options ...simple !

  8. Stop feeding her more than she needs.  

  9. I would take her to the GP- it could be a medical condition that needs looking into. Sometimes its a simple as something like worms that cause over eating-have you noticed any in her poo/nappy?  (sorry i know that sounds gross but is quite common in under 5's)

    This is easily rectified with medication.

    Otherwise it could be that she's not getting the right food. If our bodies dont get the right vitamins, eat at the right times, right type of food then we can feel like we are still hungry. If she does insist on eating lots and lots then switch her to more healthy options such as fruit and veg that she can pick on whenever she's hungry. Salad is often quite filling too, as our milkshakes (you can get sugar free or less sugar versions).

    Make sure she gets lots of exercise-take her swimming to play park etc this will a)support matabilism, b) she'll be occupied so not eating c) help combat her size.

    Its also a good habit for the future.

    Good Luck,

  10. I suggest that you take her to a nutritionalist, maybe they can help you and her to make good food choices, and possibly rule out any physical problems

  11. you need to get her to the doctor to talk about what needs to be done and to make sure it's not a hormone imbalance or any other problem. there is also a chance of food allergies and intolerance's.

    then you need to lock the fridge. serve her regular portions of chicken, potatoes and whatever else it is you make... then set fruit and vegies and other healthy snacks out on the counter. she might whine and cry the first few days, but she'll eventually dig into the fruit. if you let this go on she can end up extremely overweight. this is a family effort... not just something for her.

    letting her eat what she wants is about feeling sorry for her because she seems hungry... she's NOT hungry at this point and you need to take charge as a mother to teach her healthy eating habits. you need to realize the consequences of your actions to help her now before this becomes an over eating disorder. you also need to take into account that this is not about "I love my daughter the way she is" this isn't about her weight... it's about her health. her heart, liver, kidneys, and pancreas will all be under strain eventually.  

  12. if i eat 5 pieces of pizza im full.very full.... she is a overeater..

  13. my friends daughter was kinda of the same way what she did was have alot of healthy snacks at eye level in the fridge and in the cabinet for her and then like 20 mintes before a meal she would give her a big glass of water which made her belly fill up faster you could try these tricka and hopefully they will work for you.  good luck!

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