
Why is my 4 year old still wetting their pants?

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I have a 4 year old step daughter. Her parents have been divorced for 2 years now. Her father and I have custody of her. My question why is still wetting and pooping her pants? She knows how to use the bathroom and goes when she wants. But when she is playing or watching TV she will just go in her pants. She won’t even tell us that she does it. There is also nothing medically wrong with her, so why is she still wetting her pants?




  1. shes a kid and she gets distracted easily, limit her TV time and remind her to go to the bathroom when she is playing or doing something else distracting, she may also just be upset from the divorce. my brother was about 6 when he started pooping his pants again and would leave the door open whenever he had to pee. my mom had been taken to the hospital and he was scared something would happen if he couldn't see her or if the door was closed. i would suggest a psychiatrist.

  2. This is not very unusual. When they get preoccupied accidents happen, especially when such a young child has had to adapt to so much in her short amount of time. Please do not get mad at her when she does it tell her its OK but she needs to be a big girl and at least try to make it to the bathroom. Children under 5 who go through a traumatic experience are 3 times more likely to wet the bed or have accidents. Patience and no fussing because it can actually make it worse.

  3. sounds like she's just lazy and knows she can get away with it. when she does something bad, step up, be a parent, and PUNISH HER. seriously.... parents are always trying to be their kids d*mn friends and don't do any parenting for fear of breaking the friendship.

  4. It has been a stressful time for her, and children often show such stress through toilet accidents.  Try not to make a big fuss when she goes in her pants but praise her when she does use the bathroom.  Encourage her to tell you when she has had an accident by promising not to get cross with her if she is honest with you, but bear in mind that it's not easy for a child to go to an adult and say 'sorry, I've wet my pants'.

    You could also get her to take some responsibility for her actions by making her help clean anything she has peed on, such as the carpet.  Do not treat this as punishment, just making her realize that wetting her pants creates extra work.  

    Above all make sure she has the love and attention she needs, and do not let your relationship with her be dictated by what she does in her pants.

    Best of luck.

  5. It is obvious to me that this poor child has been through alot already, there is your reason, be patient and loving with her, and just ask the pediatrician for some tips.

  6. Could be laziness or acting out because of stress. She probably isn't telling you  because she feels embarrased or is worried she'll get in trouble. I have found, for some children who wet themselves that supplementation with calcium and magnesium if it's lacking in the diet can be helpful. When you are low on these minerals muscle tend to spasm. Muscles are imporant for the control of the bowel and bladder. Doctors often scoff at this but I have seen it work too many times. Infections can also be a factor. Take her to the doctor to get this possibility investigated.

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