
Why is my 5 month old cat suddenly urinating and defecating all over the house?

by  |  earlier

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i have a young female cat who in the past week has suddenly decided to wee and poo all over the house. last night she weed on my bed, whilst i was in it, and the day before she pood in the childrens toy box and then came back and done a wee on their floor cushions for good measure. she is still using the litter tray as well as depositing all over the rest of the house. there has been no changes in our home life other than the children being on their school holidays. both the children are very gentle with her and she is always following them about and wanting to sit with them so i know that she is not being mistreated in any way. please help with this problem as its really getting me down, any suggestions greatly appreciated.




  1. Is she in heat?  if so it would be early but not impossible.

    How does her cat box look... is it clean?  (Cats REQUIRE a clean cat box.)  It's like you won't go pee on a toilet that is full of poo/ pee.  it's uky and cats don't like it ethere.  Clean AT LEAST once a day!

    Have you changed her litter?  She may not like the kind of litter you are using.

    And Lastly,she MAY have some kind of urinary tract infection... such as crystals.    FOR THIS i would take her to the vet.

    To clean all the spots use pure Alcohol ... spray it on and then blot and then spray again.  This can be use almost anywhere really saturate the area...It will kill all the smell and keep the cat from going back to the same spot.  Wash all your bedding so the cat won't go back to your bed.

    good luck

  2. she could have an infection

    is her litter clean, sometimes when it's not clean they wont use it.

  3. I would take the cat to the vet to rule out any physical problems.  It could also be that the litter isn't clean enough or that your kitty is picky about the type of litter.  Also, if you have more than one cat, it is possible that the kitten is having some kind of conflict with the other cat(s) (I.e. getting ambushed going in or out of the box).  Your vet is definitely the best place to start.  If s/he rules out physical problems, then s/he could probably give you some advice about other causes and solutions.  

  4. Have you been cleaning out the litterbox every day?  A cat is very sensitive to smell, and won't use the box if they think it's too dirty.  Is the litter scented or are you using an additive to the litter?  What humans like smell great, might offend the cat - just use baking soda to help with the odors.  Is the box near the kitten's food dish?  If it is, move the dish or the box - how would you like to eat in a smelly bathroom?

    If she has not been spayed, that may be the problem as well (plus she'll live a longer healthier life). You'll need to make sure you wash the floor cushions thoroughly, because the cat has now "marked" it and may continue to return to the same place.  From your grammar, I'm assuming you are not in the US, so you may not have the same products we have.  I usually suggest cat NO! to deter the cats from going in the toy box (spray at the bottom of the box, not the toys themselves) - or your equivalent.  A pet store may be able to advise you the best.

    Finally, have your vet check out the kitten to rule out any health issues such as UTI, kidney or bowel issues. Good luck with your kitten!

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