
Why is my 5th baby overdue after all others born early ?

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hi. my first ( deceased ) baby was born at 30 weeks. then over the years i had 3 more, all born around 38 weeks. anyway, today i am a day overdue with my last baby. i am experiencing no signs whatsoever of imminant labour, and am getting really fed up. ive heard about people having their babys late, but why would i be so late after many early ones. my dates all definitely add up, all confirmed by 3 early ultrasound scans. please advise me if you can cos im worried there might be a problem xx




  1. Shelby f is totally right.  

  2. all babies are different some need more time in the oven

  3. Every pregnancy is different!  My mom had my brother a month late, and both my sister and I were 2 weeks early.  I am pregnant with my first, and I am almost a week late.  It will be ok, if you are that worried call your doctor, and they can do a NST, to make sure baby is ok!  Good luck

  4. If you are at 38 and you have till your 40, you still have time. Every single baby is different. Obviously this baby wants to stick out in the crowd. So be ready for it!! :)  

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