
Why is my GEMINI exboyfriend doing this? HELP PLEASE

by Guest61500  |  earlier

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we are both 15, and we broke up after 6months of rs because he doesnt have feelings for me anymore due to constantly quarrels.

he wanted to be friends but i know he still care about me

after that we had some quarrels and he hates me. i tried explaining but he wouldnt listen

he scolded me and ask me to get away from him.

six months later,i approach him to explain things.

he replied "ok fine,from today onwards stop contacting me and i bless you in your life"

why is this happening?

recently i heard that he likes other girl. i dont see him at all after breakup.

but he still keeps my picture and he even showed it to his good friends. his friend said i was pretty and he smiled/laugh.

does he still like me?




  1. From a Gemini's point of view, you look like he has you on your knees begging. Some people say this has nothing to do with the sign, but for me, when a person throws themselves at me like that, I loose interest.

    I LOVE a little argument here and there, but someone that I argue with all of the time doesn't deserve to be around me. Its not worth it.

    Geminis are natural flirts; He might not have had any left over feelings. If he broke up with you because his feelings for you died, believe me, they are most likely gone for good.

    In no way am I defending his horrible way of handling things. It was wrong. I am not condoning his actions.

    Some people say this has nothing to do with the sign, but,

    other signs would have probably handled this differently.

    Also I see a few people are acting like they have forgot how grown they thought they were at 15 or being in a relationship at that age.

    My best advice for you would be to walk away. Don't dwell on this. He hurt you, but he doesn't deserve a second thought :)

  2. Gemini has nothing to do with it.  Your behavior after he split off is similar to stalking cases that get in the news.  Just because he says you were pretty doesn't mean he still likes you, especially if he rolls his eyes and makes it clear that you 1) were too much to deal with or 2) nuts.

  3. I don't think so. Move on down the road and forget him. Don't play the mind games.

  4. omg, you Are confused indeed

  5. He wants you to chase his a.s.s.

    He thinks you can't live w/o him so be strong girl

    and don't show your weakness. You should prove to  him that

    you CAN live well without him.

  6. what sign are you??? :)

  7. First off, his astrological sign has nothing to do with why he is acting like this. You both are only 15 years old. You are still young, and he probably wants to get out and see what else is out there. It's good for young people to date around, that way when you find someone you really like, you'll know. Since he has moved on it's probably best for you to do the same. He may still keep your picture, because it's very possible he still cares about you. But just because he cares about you doesn't necessarily mean he wants to be with you. Do exactly what he's doing. Try seeing other people. Date around and get to know other boys. You are way too young to cling to one boy, as you probably haven't had much dating experience. If you guys are fighting a lot about stupid things, then it's probably not a good idea to stick together anyways. It shows that you guys can't work through problems, and may be too immature to hold a serious relationship. It's going to be hard getting over him, but it sounds like he has already started the process of trying to get over you. You should do the same. Don't let him drag you down. Do whatever you can to make yourself happy. Just try and accept the fact that he's moving on, and try doing the same yourself. I wish you both luck.

  8. I beg to differ...(on the answers listed above me) Im currently married to a Gemini and honey I will tell ya, they do alot of stuff that makes no sense!  The best advice I have for you is to  RUN FOR YOUR LIFE...and be glad that u guys are not still 2gether!

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