
Why is my Jade Plant Drooping/Wilting?

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I received a Jade Plant from a co-worker and it was doing just fine...i think...but i recently re-potted it, and I noticed that almost all of the leaves are drooping. Even the new ones! I can't imagine this is good!

It has dropped a few leaves (from the top) when I accidentally bumped it. The soil was a little dry so I watered it, but I'm afraid to over water it as I know it's a succulent. It is sitting in front of a window and is getting a lot of indirect sunlight and a little direct, but not much.

It was just recently put in front of that window, it was in a shadowed area for a long time, but It got really soggy and I realized it probably needed more light...

Any help on why it might be drooping, and/or advice on how to help it?!




  1. Jade plants are very sensitive,have a hard time adapting to re-potting .You could say they are even shy.

    They like out of the way places,(no traffic,or breezy areas)

    Indirect sunlight makes them pretty happy and not a lot of water.

  2. The more things you change the harder it is to identify the problem, so stop moving it around. In our greenhouse Jade seems to be one of the succulents needing least water, and rots when given the same amount as many others.

    -Put it in the same place where you have had success before.

    -Ensure that the drainage hole isn't blocked from when you transplanted it.

    -Stick your finger down in the soil to see if it's moist.

    -Feel the weight of the pot after you've watered it and let it drain well, so you get a feel for when it needs watering again.

    -Let it dry out between waterings.

    -The more light it gets the more water it needs.

    -Err on the side of too LITTLE water. Jade is amazingly resilient and should come back from drying out, while if you water too much and rot the roots, it will take much longer to recover..

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