
Why is my UPS package stuck on Arrival Scan?

by  |  earlier

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(I ordered something on Friday, for 1 day delivery. It said it should be here on June 7th, today. For the past 15 hours my package has been "STUCK" an hour away [driving distance] on arrival scan. Does this mean they lost it? Will I get a refund if they bring it tomorrow? I would hate to be paying for 1 day delivery when it really took 2 days. Thanks.




  1. I think you should still be patient. "Arrival Scan" means the package has arrived at there local hub and could be an hour away from you house. I, too am also tracking a package. I would give it a bit more time. If it does come tomorrow, then ask for a refund. Also, keep checking the status of the package, because when it will be delivered, it will say "Out for Delivery."

  2. No I think you are still ok. Their hub maybe only an hour away, but they have many stops to make in between. Be patient it should be there tonite.

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