
Why is my Winter White Hamster white when its not winter?!?

by Guest60583  |  earlier

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Its summer and the days are long not short like in winter. Why is he white?!?! He might be retarded....




  1. those kinds of animals dont change color depending on the weather. they chage depending on how much light they get. so if your lights are turned off for most of the day, then his brain thinks its winnter

  2. Possibly because he doesnt go by the natural light (unless you keep your windows open) so he only knows day length by the amount of light you are letting in the cage

  3. yeah...HE might be retarded...

  4. umm because it is not a winter white

  5. Winter white hamsters change color in winter - summer only when they are in the wild. It is very rare to see tamed hamsters changing fur colors for winter - summer. If your hamster has been white since he was a pup, he would remain white for life.

    Many people buy winter whites thinking they are going to see an interesting colour change in the hamster but don't read the fineprint - only wild hamsters (winter white) do that.

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