
Why is my Yahoo 360 not loading?

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Whenever I try to access it, the following error comes up:

Sorry, the page you requested was not found.

Please check the URL for proper spelling and capitalization. If you're having trouble locating a destination on Yahoo!, try visiting the Yahoo! home page or look through a list of Yahoo!'s online services. Also, you may find what you're looking for if you try searching below.

Is this happening to anyone else?




  1. It was fun while it lasted.Or was it!

  2. FIRST, consider all the possibilities listed below.

    - Sometimes 360 is very slow loading. Really be patient in terms of waiting for the site to load. Click the "Back button" on your browser and keep trying, as I did get an error message a few times yesterday when trying to access my 360 space. Also, they have been known to take pages offline and put them back online with little warning too. See the 360 team blog link below for information on that.

    - Make sure that your browser's cache and cookies have been emptied.

    - Check your firewalls & other security settings to make sure they aren't blocking the page or associated IP addresses for 360.

    - If you've had any change in your ISP service (like AT&T Yahoo) that was connected to a 360 account, then the change can cause you to lose access. That means you were using the e-mail address that the ISP gave you instead of a Yahoo ID that you created. Check with those sources to find out the deal. Bottom line: It's best that you use a Yahoo ID that you created rather than one provided through an ISP.

    - If you've violated Yahoo Terms of Service ( ) or 360 Community Guidelines ( ), then you should check your Yahoo! Mail for a notice. Violations can cause 360 space deletion. Plus, they don't have to notify you about it.

    You should be able to do the following, when you've activated your 360:

    - Go to

    - Click the teeny tiny "Sign-in" link on the upper left of the page. After signing in, the page refreshes and you should click on the teeny tiny "Yahoo 360 Home" link on the upper right of the page to get into the 360 space.

    NOTE: Make sure that you are using the Yahoo ID that was used to create your 360 space. The usual methods of accessing 360 are no longer working - i.e. via the Yahoo Toolbar and Y!Messenger (with the exception of the Y!360 plug in on version 8.1).


    Now, if you've determined that the above possibilities don''t apply to you or don't work, then you only have five choices:

    1) Try setting up or logging into your 360 space on another computer on a different network - library, your friend's computer...whatever.

    2) Contact CUSTOMER CARE by clicking the button at the bottom of this page: , and ask them why the 360 part of your Yahoo account is inaccessible, then wait for their response. Although, this is customer service, so you may need to contact them a few times to get a response.  When dealing with customer service, sometimes it's necessary to be persistent. You can also call 1-866-562-7219, 1-408-349-1572, 1-408-349-3300

    Hours: 8a-5p M-F (Pacific).

    3) Start a new 360 space by creating a new Yahoo account. Log out of all Yahoo services. Go to any Yahoo sign-in page and clicking "Sign Up" on the lower right side ( , is preferred). Then, once you've created a new account, go to and start creating your new 360 space from there. Click the BIG YELLOW "Get Started" BUTTON on the far right section of that page!

    4) Wait to see if Y!360 transitioning to another social networking platform in the second half of 2008 will help your situation. Read more about that in the 360 team blog: .

    5) Give up on Yahoo! 360 and use another social networking service.

    Good luck!

  3. its happening to me!

    it says deleted on friends pages!

    well, 360 is shutting down, so maybe this is

    the end! i dont know but i dont like it at all!

  4. i cnt go on it 2!!! this is g*y!!!

  5. OMG! I am SO glad it's not just me! I've been trying for the last 4 hours to figure out why I can't get to my 360. I even went to my neighbors house and tried her computer, luckily she is crazier than I am.

      I have such an important blog I have been planning to post, the anniversary date of the loss of my first-born baby and a beautiful tribute to her :-(

    WHY NOW?!

  6. Yahoo 360 is currently full of bugs, and they are not fixing them. They are too busy concentrating on making this new blogging platform. 360 is suppose to be transitioned sometime in the future. Check out the link below.

  7. I'm facing that problems too.It happened once but miracle-ly it fixed itself.2 days later,the same problem happens again and now it doesn't seem to come to an end.

    There are chances that Yahoo 360! Teams intent to delete your blogs due to the violation of the term of services(Happened to one of a famous blog in my country which possessed the page views of 16 millions)

    Hope that miracle will happen, again....

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