
Why is my african grey act like this?

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I have a 15 year old african grey that has been acting weird lately we did move her cage around but she is worse then you would think this. I dont think it is becuase of the cage. she is always at the bottom of her cage and when she walks she is acting like she is disy and is falling alot. She has never acted like this before and i hope nothing is wrong with her we are going to take her to the vet. I just want to know if anyone has any ideas before I go.




  1. I have no idea, But would like to hear about it after the Vet. If she is falling down and stays on the bottom of her cage that is not good.

  2. Call this pet store...Total Pet at 724-776-4822 and ask for Donna. She is usually available 2:30-9:30 on most weekdays, and often Saturday. Donna is excellent with birds, owns several, has many repeat bird customers who love her, and would be very willing to help you out and can probably tell you exactly what is going on. May be long distance depending on where you live but worth it. Located in PA

  3. Could be a head trama. Maybe she lost her balance or something. It could be neurological. Either way it is very serious. I hope she is ok. Good luck.

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