I have never had a problem putting my daughter down for a nap until recently. I would give her a bottle and lay her in her crib. She would drink her milk and fall asleep shortly after. We always keep a steady routine, and the only thing that has changed recently is I am starting to introduce her to a sippy instead of a bottle. At 11mos week 1, I replaced the morning bottle with a cup of cows milk... Week 2, took out the second bottle and replaced with a sippy, week three (this week) the third bottle went... you catch my drift. Anyways, everything was going smoothly until a couple days ago, every time I lay her down she flips out and starts throwing a tantrum crying uncontrollably. I figured it was the cup, but last night when I put her down for bed with a bottle she flipped out again. By no means do I give in to this, I let her cry it out... If she's still crying after a while I go back in and reassure her that I am still there and that it's time to go to sleep. But why is this suddenly happening? I never had any problems before.