
Why is my almost 1 yr old throwing fits at nap time?!

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I have never had a problem putting my daughter down for a nap until recently. I would give her a bottle and lay her in her crib. She would drink her milk and fall asleep shortly after. We always keep a steady routine, and the only thing that has changed recently is I am starting to introduce her to a sippy instead of a bottle. At 11mos week 1, I replaced the morning bottle with a cup of cows milk... Week 2, took out the second bottle and replaced with a sippy, week three (this week) the third bottle went... you catch my drift. Anyways, everything was going smoothly until a couple days ago, every time I lay her down she flips out and starts throwing a tantrum crying uncontrollably. I figured it was the cup, but last night when I put her down for bed with a bottle she flipped out again. By no means do I give in to this, I let her cry it out... If she's still crying after a while I go back in and reassure her that I am still there and that it's time to go to sleep. But why is this suddenly happening? I never had any problems before.




  1. somtimes at that age they change thier willingness to sleep especially when there are other changes

    My son slept so good until he was about 1 1/2, then it seemed like he never wanted to go down without a fight...

    it lasted about 6 months...then he was back to sleeping well again...

    its just stages...there are gonna be worse ones ahead too :)  hang in there! nana always called me caramia....

  2. haha you are at that phase... where all they want to do is play. they don't want to miss anything... they are almost obsessed with the world. hope this helps.

  3. Well, babies change and sometimes it happens suddenly. ;-) Could be teeth but it's very likely a major developmental spurt that she's going through right now. My daughter goes in and out of sleep issues and it can be frustrating but we get through them. Personally, I think letting a 12 month old baby cry it out just makes the issue worse. Crying is almost the only way they have of communicating, after all. Walk away if you have to but don't have that be the first thing you do.

  4. It is just part of them growing up.  She is one.  She will start testing what she can do and get away with, what works, and what doesn't.  You are doing the right thing.  This will pass, and then she will come up with some other thing that concerns or confuses you.  

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