
Why is my appetite messed up?

by  |  earlier

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I get hungry around 11 every night, I know I'm not supposed to eat because then you gain weight, but I get so hungry!!! What should I do?




  1. that's very common. unless you're willing to adjust your whole schedule, it may never change. :(

    if you go for a late night run, sometimes that will kill your appetite

  2. That late at night drink 2-3 glasses of water what ever fills you up. It will make your system happy for not goitng to bed on a full (food stomach)

  3. ur body gets hungryer at night cause its tired and wants to sleep but it think sfood is the answer...drink lots of water or eat fruit.....or ignore it and go to bed then^^

  4. eat some vegies

  5. Try and sleep on it and eat in the morning or just have a snack to hold you off.

  6. Just try to power through it for a couple of nights in a row. some tea, or apple cidervinegar with boiled water is good.

  7. Actually, i've heard eating at late times isn't that bad for you.

    I'm not sure why people get hungry so late, (i'm actually eating right now). Maybe it's because we eat when we're bored?

  8. That happens to me too!

    I always find myself snacking late at night, and I don't want to eat but I get so hungry!

    I find myself eating black olives and hot pockets.

    the black olives are pretty good.

    I just avoid ice cream and cake and such things. Mostly fruit and veggies.

  9. Train your body to eat a few hours before 11pm so that you don't crave something right before going to bed. Perhaps eating dinner just a bit later?

    Don't make any drastic changes in your eating habits because any change in your body should be done gradually for the healthiest results.

  10. have fruit

  11. i eat all the time @11 so its pretty normal especially if your growing

  12. go to sleep.

  13. have some fruit.

  14. force yourself to eat in the morning and during lunch and you will lose weight

    if you are hungry at night they you probably have an eating disorder and its probably causing you to gain more weight cause if you eat late at night all those calories get converted to fat when you sleep

    eat during the day so your body can burn off those calories proper

  15. ur not getting enough sleep so ur body is tired and turns to food for energy. plus your body has formed a habit of eating at 11 because youve benn doing it so often

  16. try to be asleep before 11. Another thing you could do is just make sure before you go to bed you eat AND drink lots of fluids. if you keep getting hungry at 11, try to drink water and see if that helps. Good Luck!

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