
Why is my baby love bird smaller than another?

by Guest65092  |  earlier

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i have 2 love birds that just made 2 eggs a while ago.

one is already getting feathers and can feed itself.

but the other looks the same as it looked a couple weeks ago.

also, my brother and sister tell me that the mother is not feeding the smaller one. im kinda in a panic about this

help please?

thanks in advance for your answers.




  1. Looks like you need to look up how to make a brooder, and how to feed baby lovebirds/breeding, make the brooder or get one ready before you pull the babies they need to stay warm. The bird brand Kaytee has an instant bird formula that is fine for lovies and you will need a feeding tool, some breeders use special syringes for this, one lady I read about uses a baby spoon. The croup is very tender and if you overfill it the baby will basically get it down their air tube or choke. You also need to know what kind of scedule they will be on.You will also need a thermometer and a glass liquid measuring cup to use to mix it up then make sure it is not to hot because you can burn their croup. Check out (on the can or bag) what type of measurement tool is required to measure out the powder for mixing too.  

    If you feel lost, or think you might hurt one of these babies call an avian vet or avian breeder. Some bird stores will even take them to hand raise, they may even give you a bit- o- money for them. Take out the nest box or nest and any nesting material from the parents cage to give yourself time to learn more before they create a new clutch for you. There is a reason they are called Lovebirds.

  2. Find your lovebird book and see what they recommend feeding a baby love bird. You will probably have to feed the baby for them. If you don't have a book you need to go buy one. I can't believe anyone would try to breed caged birds and not have a book about them. How are you going to learn how to take care of the babies. If you would have read up and studied the birds you are trying to breed you would have picked up on the fact that one of them needed help. If you read the book I am certain that they approach hand feeding baby lovebirds some where in there.

    Sounds like to me that someone bred their lovebirds before they were really old enough to handle the nesting duties. Sometimes it will take several clutches to get the hand of breeding and raising a brood. You need to learn how to hand feed. That isn't something that can be passed mouth to ear. You need to get a book with pictures or find someone who knows how to feed babies properly. You can kill a baby bird very easily by over feeding, underfeeding and aspirating the baby while feeding it.

    You will probably have to pull the entire clutch. Most birds won't take care of the babies if part of them are removed. That is why when you pull on baby you need to pull the whole nest.

    "Hand feeding baby birds", by Barron's is a great book to read to learn about hand feeding. You still need an demonstration from someone who is experienced hand feeding baby birds.

  3. Aww, my lovebird eggs are about to hatch. Eggs are spaced between diffferent times. Sometimes the mother know that the chick is sick and wont feed the baby. Ive had that. Check its crop the neck and see if its full. If you need help, you can email.

  4. eggs are layed in spaced out days, usually one every other day, so one bird is two days older than the other, sometimes the bigger bird will hog all the food and when this happens the mother somtimes will only feed the bigger and stronger one...if that happens you should handfeed him, or take him to a bird breeder to be hand fed...check out for good parrot info, good luck!

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