
Why is my ball pythons skin really loose looking?

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A couple of days ago she started getting a lighter color and her eyes were grey and her belly was a light pink color. I assumed this meant she was going to shed. Now her color is back and her skin is really loose and wrinkly. What does this mean?




  1. She is probably still about to shed. Raise the humidity until she sheds. If this lasts for more than 2-3weeks then consult a vet.

    If she is not shedding then he could be malnourished.

  2. if your snakes color is back then she will probably shed in the next day or two.  if she hasn't shed by then take a plastic box, large enough for your snake to fit in it comfortably.  Get the short boxes for soaking snakes…the box should be about the height to go under a bed.  Drill several small holes along the sides at the top for airflow (this box can also be used as a feeding tub for your snake).  Put about a half inch or an inch of lukewarm water (about 80 Fahrenheit) and put the top on the plastic tub and “soak” the snake for about 3 hours (changing the water every so often if needed).  The reason to do this in a plastic tub with only a half inch or inch of water is because it's the humidity that this creates that helps the skin loosen and come off easier for your snake.  

    Good luck.

  3. Well that means that she is about to shed(the same thing happens to all my snakes)

    Here's what to do:

    Raise the humidity OR just soak her in warm water with a plastic container with a lid(don't forget the holes for her to breath).

    Just soak her for about an hour to an hour and a half each day until she decided to shed. Remember that snakes can breath under water so it is nothing to worry about but even so, you have to leave some air in the container. I would recommend having 2 holes on each side of the contanier then having 4 holes on top. Also when you finish using the container, you could use it for feeding her too.

    Soaking her works better then raising the humidty(at least that is what I have seen for all my snakes) I know it is a little to much work but in the end it is all worth the trouble.

    If she doesn't shed in the next 2 to 2 1/2 weeks then I would just go see the vet just in case if it is anything.

  4. probably going to shed, but that is also a sign of dehydration.

  5. Lovie's advice is good for a snake about to shed. Without looking at your snake, I'd be concerned that she's underfed. I say that because you said her color is back. Snakes about to shed are lighter than normal. Look closely and be sure her color is indeed back. She may be just a tad lighter then I'd assume she is shedding.  

  6. I agree with lovie. my ball python did the exact same thing. and i did just that.. you also might want to consider taking her to a vet..or a local pet store, they know how to check up the snake as well.

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