
Why is my bearded dragon attacking itself?

by  |  earlier

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i got my 6 month old bearded dragon a few days ago and sometimes it sees its own reflection off the glass and starts attacking it. it does live alone, and i was wondering how long would it take for my bearded dragon to realize its not another lizard. also, i am having trouble controlling the humidity of its tank. i no its suppose to be 30% or less but its usually 35%-50%. please answer as soon as possible.




  1. Um...that is normal.  I had that same problem w/my bearded dragon.  I just got some cool backing for my tank so that he couldn't see his reflection!!

  2. lol its emo

  3. research to figure out how to lower the humid, if you really are worry  about the glass being a stress factor, line the inside in a nonflamable item. just make sure the heat lamp cant catch it on fire. i taped newspaper on the inside to prevent them from seeing out and reflections.

  4. Cuz its retarded

  5. this is normal. sometimes it's because they want out or they're hungry. i've had mine for about a year; she still does this allll the time.

  6. I would controll the tanks temperature and see how this affects his behavior. Also try taking the glass away. Hope this helps

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