
Why is my best friend ignoring me?

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im in 10th grade. my friend left after 8th grade and is now back. he is talking to everyone he used to but hes also been hanging out with two people that are sort of my friends but like to make fun of me and i think that may be the reason. how do i talk to him so we can be good friends again




  1. He can't be that good of a friend if he's ignoring you. Maybe it's time to make new friends. Go talk to him and ask what's up? If he is that shallow that he hangs with pple who make fun of you, you don't need that kind of friend.

  2. he's obviously not that great of a friend, uh, friends don't make fun of their friends.

  3. lol, and ur calling ME immature. r u sure the robber didnt steal ur dignity as well? wow, just wow, it obvious ur not cool enough to hang out with, from wut i no of u so far, ur pretty much a tweak and and a big head boy. u think u think ur cooler than u obviously r, get a life. ive seen ur resolved questions like "how long does it take for a finger to heal", they have stuff like that on google u trick.

  4. exactly i absolutley agree with mellisa and dee

    if he is joining other group and making fun of you then he is not your best friend .i must say you try and make new friends who are really nice,friendly most important LOVING.. AND CARING...

    or else

    If she's upsetting you, she should stop. It's true that many friends enjoy making fun of eachother, but if you don't enjoy that sort of behaviour then you need to tell her.

    Say "I really don't like it when you make fun of me. I don't want to treat you like that, and if you are my friend and you care for me, you should respect my feelings and stop."

    Personally, I don't appreciate people making fun of me either. If someone I know is acting like a spoiled brat, it's important to make them aware of how their actions are affecting people close to them. If she is your best friend, she will respect your opinion.

    what ever dision you make. do it from your heart


    good luck

  5. Well, that doesn't seem like a true friend. If he's joining the 'group' of friends that make fun of you, and he just ignores you without even saying a simple Whats Up? ...why do you care?

    You shouldn't even have to try to talk to him again, because that's just pathetic. Some best friend, i'm sure you have better friends than that...

  6. what a douche bag. This happened to me in the 9th grade. It's the pressure they have from their friends to make fun of you. Don't worry he'll man up someday and learn to be himself rather then being a follower.

    In the meantime, find some new friends that deserve you and are above that trash. Good luck man

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