
Why is my betta at the top of the bowl all the time?

by Guest33663  |  earlier

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I have 2 betta's 1 male (Opi) and 1 female (EpEp). The male is in a beautifully planted, 3 gallon heated eclipse complete with buddha head. He swims happily all around the tank & follows me. However the female is only in a 1 gallon bowl with a newly added under gravel mini heater. This isn't favoritism, it's a matter of money, which I don't have at the moment. She just sits at the top and doesn't move. I'm thinking if I should buy her an aerator pump? I have a feeling that's the problem, not enough oxygen. Even though people say they don't need as much, when I compare Opi to EpEp he seems to thrive while she just sits motionless. And I don't need a filter cause I clean the bowl daily.




  1. Your problem is the bowl. Bowls are meant for cereal, not fish...she is not getting the oxygen she needs, and no matter how much you clean the bowl, you are not able to filtrate her waste (poo & pee). She is living and breathing in her own waste. I wouldn't feel good either in those conditions. Up-grade to a 2-3 gallon tank asap, she could also develop burns from the amount of waste collecting in the bowl. Get a large box of CoCo Pebbles for your bowl.....

  2. Okay, first of all, BETTAS NEVER NEED AERATORS!!! Neither do gouramis, paradise fish, or climbing perches, or any of the fish in the anabantoidei family. This is a family of fish that has a organ called the "labyrinth organ" that enables them to get water from the surface and breath it through their gills. Also, heaters do not usually work in a 1 gallon tank, as it will tend to overheat, unless you have a specialty heater. Also, you say you clean the bowl daily, I hope this means you only remove 60 percent of the water (pour 40% into a seperate container, pour out the rest into the sink, wash the base of the bowl and the rocks/gravel, NO SOAP, and put in new water to replace the 60% that you took out plus put the 40% back in.) She may also be stressed out, so from now on use NovAqua on incoming water into your tank. It is an important product for comfort and low-stress.

    If, after a week or so, things do not change, do not fear; unless she shows signs of severe stress or disease, then she is probably okay. After all, all bettas have their own individual personalities and she may just like sitting at the top. And as soon as she has enough money, buy her a tank with a sponge filter, at least 3 gallons. I am against eclipse systems or anything with a power filter because the current is often strong and is uncomfortable for the betta, so try to avoid it if possible.

    Good Luck!!

  3. Bettas are top dwellers, therefore most bettas, like to chill at the top. Wild bettas (plakats) always stay at the top so they can snap up insects and flys the fall into the water, so if your female isn't as active as your male betta, it could just be her personality, especially if the water is clean and the test strips show it.

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