
Why is my betta fish spending all his time at the bottom of the bowl? (pictures)?

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I know I asked this before... I tried moving him upstairs to where its warmer... He swam around a little... then returned to the bottom of his bowl, but now I have a picture... because looking at him, he just looks so sad...




  1. I was having the same problem with my betta, Charlie. After reading up on how important temperature is for them I purchased a 7.5 watt mini heater at Petco. It is flat and fits either underneath your gravel or up against the side of your tank. Make sure that the heater comes in contact with gravel or whatever it is you have at the bottom of your tank otherwise it will not heat properly. Make sure you put a thermometer in there also so you can make sure it doesn't get too hot. The heater says on the box that it is for a tank around 2 to 5 gallons but I have used it successfully in a 1.3 and 1.5 gallon tank. It keeps the temperature around a comfortable 80-82 degrees. Before the heater my betta was acting like yours. Now he is swimming around and happy as can be.

  2. no just wait until you get a heater

    and turn the temperature up gradually over a period of 3 days

    about 24c should be ok

  3. He's probably fixing to die =(

  4. Buy two identical tanks and set two bettas next to one another.  They'll flare at each other and play at dominance all day long.  It'll perk your fish right up to have a friend.  

    Buying a heater and a larger tank would help, of course.  The best home for him should look something like this:  Buy two tanks that size and put two bettas next to each other.  They'll flare and play at one another, and be very happy.

  5. First problem: he has no aquarium heater. Bettas are tropical fish. Tropical fish kept at room temperature will be pale, lethargic, and sickly.

    Second problem: the bowl. Please get him a real tank. A 2.5 gallon tank will cost you 10$, max. It will be a much healthier environment for him. Bettas liking small spaces is a myth. I don't know if you've ever seen a rice paddy. They may be only a foot or two deep, but it is acres and acres of water. Not a puddle, that is for sure.

    A betta is not a decoration. Yet it seems they are treated as such, since they are pretty, can survive in some pretty horrid conditions (which makes for plenty of improper care, and spreads myths), and inexpensive. They deserve proper care, like any other animal.

    Make sure to keep up on regular water changes. I'll put it into perspective. A one gallon container needs a 100% water change once every three days. A 2.5 gallon tank only once a week. Water will become unhealthy with decaying waste (which breaks down into ammonia), and threaten his health. The water may 'look' clear, but it is really a toxic soup.

    The below website outlines betta care. That specific caresheet is excellent.

  6. There is this really cool aquarium made by doubt it is small for a betta at only 1.5 gallons but if there are not many decorations it should is better than what you have now anyways. It comes with a tetra in aquarium whisper filter. A air pump and anything you will need to set up the water the first time. Along with that at walmart they make really cool small heaters for 2-5 gallon aquariums. If you get the ones that are going out of sale they are only $4.00..the ones made by tetra are $14.00 but still worth investing in. The tank is only $20 of course....if you are going to buy all this might as well buy a 5 gallon and make your betta really happy one is only $29.00 but you will still have to invest in a heater (you could use the $4.00 one). I bet your betta starts acting better almost right away.

  7. What time does he usually sit in the bottom? If he swims during the day and sits on the bottom at night he is probably just sleeping. Also if you have a filter on the tank make sure that there is very little current. The current will wear the fish out and that may be why he sits on the bottom. It is very difficult for them to have a current in the tank. It is probably best to have no current at all. Don't worry though these fish don't need filtration as long as you change the water every 1-3 weeks. You can actually keep a betta in the little cup that you get them in but they would prefer something about the size of a 1 gallon goldfish bowl. Also if you have a plant that can grow just by sticking its roots in water then that is good for the betta also as it provides hiding places for him and removes ammonia and nitrite and nitrates reducing the amount of water changes that you have to do. That bring up another question about your betta does he have hiding places? He needs them in order to be happy. He absolutely does not need a heater but if you want him to be happy and move around a lot more you want to keep the water around 75-78 degrees F. That may mean a heater or keeping your room around 85-88 degrees F. Water is always approx. 10 degrees cooler than the air around it. You will probably decide on the heater though because not too many people like to have their room temp in the 80's. Also when you change the water make sure you dechlorinate it. If you don't it will either make the fish extremely sick or kill it.

  8. Bettas require at least a 2.5 gallon with a filter and heater. They are tropical fish and like temperatures in the low 80's, in a bowl that's impossible (unless you live in a house that's always 85 degrees). When a betta is in a bowl, the temperature fluctuates too much, thus weekening the bettas immune system, which will make your betta more prone to disease.

  9. bettas are tropical, no matter what anyone has told you.

    to be able to have a heater, the tank needs to be atleast 2gal (they dont sell heaters for tanks under 2gal) and that is a mini 75watt heater. You have two options, the junior heater (sold at wal mart for 5$) or the hydor heater (sold at petco for 14$). I have had both of those and i can tell you that you should get the hydor heater if you dont mind spending the money or if you are ready to be extra carefull with the junior heater. i went through 2 junior heaters. They are kind of sensitive, you cannot leave them plugged in out of the water or they automatically shut down (forever) and they can touch aquarium walls and there is a certain water level it has to be in. The hydor heater, is not as sensitive, you can leave it out of the water operating,  it is flat, you can hide it under the gravel.  if you get the junior heater, you just have to be really carefull not to mess it up.

    you can get a 2.5gal rectangular glass tank from petsmart for only 10$ or a 2.5gal plastic drum bowl for 10$. i also suggest you buy some live plants to help with water quality. you will need to do 100% water changes weekly preferably with aged water (by natural or artificial means).

    here are some links to learn about betta care:

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