
Why is my bff avoiding me? PLEASE READ?

by  |  earlier

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She's been gone for 15 days out of town. She then called me 3 days after she returned. I missed her dearly. On the day she called I was in the shower. I called her back 15 min. later, she said she was eating and didn't call be back. 1 day later which was today I sent her a text message she didn't respond. We have been friends for to long, why is she avoiding me?




  1. Maybe she is really busy,

    This has happened to me before

    Try calling her again and if she doesn't answer, next time you see her ask her what happened and why shes avoiding you

    But, I wouldn't think anything of it

  2. Maybe she's not avoiding you, maybe she's just getting back into her normal schedule, and unpacking after a long trip.  Geez, stop being so needy and find something to do.

  3. How the h**l do we know what has expired between you two? ASK HER. TEXT HER. WRITE HER. EMAIL HER. PHONE HER AGAIN.  

  4. she found a new friend

  5. Who was she out of town with?

  6. um well maybe she's busy!

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