
Why is my brain soo lazy

by  |  earlier

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everytime i have an argument with someone i lose the argument because i cant think of what to say. then when i go home later and start thinking about it, i know what i shoulda have said. so like i cant think of things off the top of my head :(

ALSO, for the past few weeks, my mind feels like its sleeping and i dont feel like thinking even though i get plenty of rest. what is wrong with me?? is this ok? if not what can i do to fix it?




  1. it could be the weed

  2. I'm the same way. Do you have to ask people to repeat themselves, and exhibit other symptoms of someone that can't hear well? Like, even tho you can hear just fine? I think we may have poor auditory recall. I haven't read up on it yet tho.

  3. We all have our special gifts - it's just a case of finding them.

    Not everyone can "think on their feet" so to speak.

    You could focus on your strengths and not on your weaknesses. Regards. UK

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