
Why is my brother's girlfriend so competitive with me?

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My brother's girlfriend doesn't like me. She got pissed off because I was his top friend on myspace and she was his 3rd. My brother and I are pretty much best friends and we're friends with each other's friends, (we're a year apart) Me, him, and my other bother went to see The Dark Night opening day because we've been wanting to see it since we've heard about it a year ago. As expected she was mad because she wanted to hang out with him. Stuff like this happens all the time with her. Does she honestly expect him to care more about her(he's known her for a few months) than his own sister (who he's known his entire life?) why is she so jealous?




  1. As per my opinion your bro's girlfriend wants all his attention &  time only for her...& doesn't wanna share him..i.e..she is possessive about him.This might be the reason why she is jealous on you.Try talking 2 her about this matter; make her understand ur feelings towards your brother.........Hope I have helped you.....

  2. its definately a woman getting jealous of another woman...

    i get jelous even if my bf chats to another girl.. i dont feel threatened i just get jealous. its stupid i know but hey woman are wierd like that. (poor guys)

    i think you should try to befreind her and then she'll feel better after getting to know u and knowing you're "on her side"

    so she'll see you as her freind and not her boyfreinds sister... ( hope taht makes sence) its a psycological thing

  3. First of all... How old are you all?

    That would help alot before answering your question.

    If you're under say... 16... That's your answer. Immature kids is all it is.

    If you're a bit older.. Then she's simply PSYCHO and your bro needs to call it quits.

  4. Every girl-make that person-has the need to be important, no matter what it is. You would be ticked off if it was the other way around. Sounds to me like your brother needs to deal with this himself. Shes not really your problem. If you aren't jealous of her being your brother's girfriend, why don't you befriend her and include her in your activities? It sounds more to me like you don't want her around. Sorry, just giving my honest opinion!

  5. Why? Because she sees you taking over what she feels is hers: love. She probably does honestly expect him to care more about her. Maybe if she has a sibling her relationship with them is not good and kinda would have thought the same and he sees she is not "number one" in his eyes so is jelous.

    If my sis knew about my gf she would be jelous too. Tbh I prefer my gf over my sister tho we are very close. Call me mean or whatever but it's what I feel, can't help it, but everything is different for everybody

  6. Because you are someone she must compete with. It's only your brother but she's afraid of you because you are another woman and you are able to easily influence him. You also know him better and have known him a lot longer. Women are just like this.

  7. youve pretty much answered it your self, Its human nature to wanna come first in choice. Espicially if its some one who you love or is close to you.

    Its the same as a mother being jelous of her daughter in law, she is hurt of the fact that her son is being taken away from her. Its pretty much upto your brother to play it right.. He shoud tell the girl what she wants to hear when you know exactly how important you are to him.  

  8. i guess u both are not just compatible with each be honest, in many families it happens. perhaps, she just doesnt want him to be in the family. she is one of those attention cravers.

  9. if your the one in the picture, she probably just feels intimidated because you look better than her

    women are usually threatened by good looking women

    good day.

    arriba el tres letras

  10. She's probably craving for attention and wants you out of her way.She might be jealous that you get more attention than her

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